The Hospital Bed

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1st March 2025

Ethan's POV:

I was driving home to see y/n. It's her 24th birthday today. I got her a big teddy, some roses and $200 because she said that she didn't want anything for her birthday this year.

When I finally pulled up to the driveway, I stopped the car and quickly got out of it.
I was so excited to see her.

I walked up to the door and opened it.
As I walked inside I looked around and saw that the lights were turned off, which was a little bit strange because she's usually home.

I dropped my coat to the floor and walked to the kitchen.
But as I walked inside the kitchen, I saw her, laying there peacefully on the floor.
I ran up to her worried.
She wasn't breathing..
Quickly I dialled 911, telling them to get here as quick as possible.

I couldn't stand seeing her like that.
I sat down on the floor holding her head so that it wasn't on the cold ground.
Slowly realising what was really happening I started sobbing, why on her birthday?

After five minutes the ambulance arrived.
They took her and me to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital they told me to stay in the waiting room.
I couldn't stay still in one place so I was pacing around the waiting room waiting for a doctor or a nurse to come and tell me something.

I knew that y/n wasn't a healthy girl from the start of our relationship, but she didn't go into depth with her illness and she didn't tell me about it, I had to know more but they wouldn't tell me.

I've been waiting there for more than half an hour and then a nurse walked inside the waiting room and called out
"Mr Dolan"
As soon as I heard her say it I ran to her and asked if I can see her and if she's ok.
The nurse looked at me and said "she's currently in a coma, the doctor doesn't know when she is going to wake up but it's not going to be any time soon" she looked at me without any emotion !
How can she say that so peacefully!

"Can i at least go and see her?" I asked the nurse
"Yes you can, follow me"
I followed her to y/n's room, she was laying there on the hospital bed. She looked so calm.
The nurse left the room and I walked closer to y/n. I looked at her and a tear escaped my eye.
This can't be happening right now, on her birthday!

I grabbed y/n's hand and whispered "I love you"

Y/n's POV:

I heard Ethan say "I love you" I really wanted to say it back but everything was blank, I couldn't move my body or speak. This was so irritating I was trapped inside my body.


5 years later.

I heard the nurse say quietly "it's been 5 years, how much longer is she going to be in a coma?" I knew that it was the nurse because throughout all these years I've heard her voice every day. She was my only company, she talked to me about her day every day.

None of my family visited, nor my boyfriend Ethan...
I was left on my own, for the first year Ethan showed up every day, he used to talk to me how he can't stand not waking up next to me. But his feelings quickly faded away as he stopped showing up.
My parents showed up for the first 3 years and then stopped.
This was very painful, however I got used to being alone. I can only trust myself.


As I woke up today it felt different from the other days, I could move my hand. As the nurse walked in I moved my fingers a little bit but she didn't notice.

The next day I could open my eyes, as I opened my eyes I looked around the room and saw a bouquet of flowers and 5 cards standing in the corner of the room on a small coffee table.
After a while the nurse walked in, as she got closer to me she realised that my eyes were opened, she looked at me with shocked and then yelled with happiness "SHES AWAKE GUYS, SHES AWAKE"
After her yelling that 3 other nurses walked in the room and a doctor.

The doctor told all the nurses to go out and he started asking me questions, and examined my body to see if everything was fine.


I had to stay in the hospital for a few more weeks so that they could remind me how to walk again.
My body kind of forgot how to function after all this time.

When I got out of the hospital, the nurses gave me new clothes. I walked out and called a cab. I gave the man my address and he drove me there.

When I got home I opened the door and saw that everything was the way it was 5 years ago, I guess my parents have been paying for my place all this time.
As I walked in my room I saw all of the pictures of me and Ethan on the wall, we had been dating since I was 16. And now I'm 29..... wow I really missed out a lot I could've been married by now and be pregnant even... thinking about this made me a little bit sad.

I took a quick shower and after decided to drive to my parents house, when I got there I realised that they have changed their car?
I knocked on the door and a older man opened the door, I was a little bit shocked.
"Does Mr y/l/n live here?" I asked
"No sorry" the man said and closed the door.
Where could my parents be? Did they leave because of me?
I had so many questions that nobody could answer at the moment.

After I decide to drive to Ethan's house to ask him where my parents are.
When I got there I knocked on the door and a girl opened the door. Great he probably moved out as well.
"Hello how can I help you?" She asked me
"Does Ethan Dolan live here?" I asked
"Babe someone is asking for you"  she called him babe, this broke my heart. He moved on already.
"Yes babe" he said as he walked to the door, when he saw me his face dropped.
"Y/n? What are you doing here"
He asked, the girl moved and walked back in the house.
"I'm here to ask you a question" I said
"What is it?"
"By any chance do you know where my parents are?"
"Yeah, y/n they moved to Portugal"
"Do you have their phone numbers?"
"No sorry" he said
"Okay, I'll get going then" I said as I started walking away and then I heard him call me by my nickname.
"Y/n/n stop"
"Yes Ethan" I said as I turned around
"I missed you, why did you do this to me?" He asked me, I could see the pain in his eyes.
"I'm sorry Ethan, I couldn't do this anymore" I said
He walked up to me and hugged me.
I missed him too, but I had to push him away he has a girlfriend.
"I'm sorry Ethan but your girlfriend doesn't deserve this"
"You're right, I love you y/n and I will always" he said and I could see the tears form in his eyes
"I love you too Ethan but it's time for me" I said and slowly drove away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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