The adoption

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Ashley's POV

Well hello, I'm Ashley and I'm 16 years old I live in a high class orphanage in North Carolina, I have been a orphan sense I was 5 my mom and my dad both were killed in a car accident wen I was 4 because of drinking and driving, I've been adopted 10 times but I always get returned because I-I'm epileptic and every time I have a seizure I always get beat and then sent back.

Today is adoption day and I never get my hopes up because I know that I will never get adopted. "Get dressed Ashley, today is adoption day" miss Annie said, " yes ma'am right on it." Miss Annie was a sweet,kind,living elderly woman that loved children and we all loved her back. Somedays on Friday nights she would let us stay up passed our bedtime and tell u stories of how when she was a young little girl like us.

Nash's POV

Today my parents, hayes,sky and I went to the best orphanage in the whole state because my parents were looking for a teenage girl to adopt. "Well hello there you must be the Grier family?" An old elderly woman asked "yes ma'am, yes we are" my mom said with a smile.

My parents.. My whole family have been looking forward for this day for 5 months now and it's finally here. We went into this small room so we could meet each girl from the ages 14-16. Te first girl that came in, had blue eyes like mine, long blondish-brownish hair, and she kind of looked like Hayes. "Hello,my name is Ashley and I'm 15 years old" the girl said "well hello Ashley, I'm Nash,that's hayes,sky,and my parents"I said introducing them to her. "So Ashley what kind of things do you like to do?" My mom asked, "well I love to pennyboard, watch vines, and I love Taco Bell, Arizona tea,and pizza." She said with a smile at the end, "so you like watching vines?" Yeah and I know your THE Nash Grier but to me your just a normal guy and trust me I'm not those types of girls that fangirl every single time they meet someone famous" she said "Mom I like her." I said "well miss Annie I think we have made up our mind, we're going to adopt Ashley!" My mom said.


"Well miss Annie I think we have made up our mind, we're going to adopt Ashely!" She said. " really? Me? Oh my god thank you so much!!" I said while running to my room to pack my stuff up. I heard a Knock on my door and I went to go open it. "Hi, I was just wondering if you needed any help on packing?" Nash said "um no thank you I'm actually done." I said "oh well c'mon, sis" he said "I'm going bro!" We both laughed. When we got to where everybody was at we left to the car.


When we got in the car we were all quiet. So I decided to break it. "So Ashley, can I call you my sister?" "Yeah sure, and can I call you guys mom-and dad?" She said to my parents "of course Ashley why not?" My mom asked/said to her "well because, in every house that I've been adopted to I always have to call them by their girl at name." She said.


When we got to the house, I was amazed it was beautiful!! "So you commin' Ashley *clicks tongue* or NAH? "Nash said, "yeah!" I laughed
When I went inside it was even bigger than the outside! They took me upstairs and showed me my room, when I opened the door it was my dream room! It had hot-pink walls with Rosie-pink stripes, a king size bed, a black glittery rug, and a white desk, with a Mac book air pro. "OMG thanks mom and dad!!!" I said "you're very welcome kid!" Dad said to me.

When it was time for dinner mom called us downstairs. I was very nervous to tell the that I was epileptic. "So Ashley how do you like our home?"mom said " I love it! It's very beautiful" I said "why thank you!" "Well guys I have to tell you something, but you guys might just want to return me to the orphanage" I said with tears in my eyes, "I-I'm e-epileptic" I said "oh honey, we'll get you trough this, don't say that, we love you" she said. I was happy to hear that because I never had ever heard that from anyone. "Well I'm so glad to hear that because every time I had a seizure I would get beat and get returned to the orphanage." I said while wiping my tears away.


My heart broke when I heard that Ashley used to get beat a returned to the orphanage after she had a seizure, like it's not her fault that she's's nobody's fault! "What's epileptic?" Hayes said with a worried look I his face "hayes yo-" I said while being cut off by Ashley "it's when you prone to seizures" Ashley said to hayes while picking up her plate and taking it to the sink and washing it. "Well what can we do to help if you have one?" He said "well you have to put something soft under my head, and time it,if It takes more than 5 minutes call 9-1-1, oh and turn me to my side" she said confident. "Okay, thanks for the info!" He said smiling

It was 10:37 pm so my parents decided to go to sleep and so did sky. Ashley, hayes ,and I stayed up till 3:45 in the morning doing vines,YouTube vids, and playing games. Our rooms were upstairs and our parents room was downstairs so it really didn't matter how much noise we all made.

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