Beach day and cheating.

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Gilinsky's POV

I woke up the and it was a beautiful day. So I decided to text everybody;

Nash😎, Carter🍙, hayes🐵,lox🐻,Johnson😁,Taylor🌈, Aaron🌀,Cam🌐,shawn🎶,Jacob◽️, Sammy👽,Princess👑.

*anyone up for a beach day?*

Carter🍙; yea I'm down
Cam🌐; sound good
Nash😎; yeah
Aaron🌀; can't sorry I got stuff..
Lox🐻; only if Ashley comes too.
Princess👑; only if mahogany comes
Taylor🌈; I'll pass
Shawn🎶; not in town sorry. 😭
Jacob◽️; if mahogany comes then yes. 😏
Hayes🐵; Nash is my ride.
Sammy👽; ready to see the hot babes.
Johnson😁; I'm down too.

*alright let's meet up at my house at 12:00*

At 12:00 everyone was at my house ready to go.

Beach here we come.



Ashley's POV

When we got to the beach it smelled like salt water but it was not a nasty smell it was the "you know you're in paradise" type smell.

"Okay so me and mahogany are going to tan for a little while so you all can leave the things with us." I said and mahogany nodded

"No! Come in with us!" Jacob and Gilinsky whined

"Nope give us 10-15 minutes and then we'll go." I said and then they left.

"We're gonna go rent surfboards do you want one?" Nash asked

"Um, yeah I do"

"Same" said mahogany.

*10 minutes later*

"Ready to go surf?" Asked mahogany

"Yep Lego!" I said and got my surfboard.

"Look there's some big waves today. Good day today to surf!" Mahogany told me.

"Yep lets test them."

I got on my boat and paddled until I fought a wave. I got trampled but I was okay. When I was up on the surface I saw that mahogany was doing awesome! She was a pro!

"WHOOO! Lest go mahogany!" I screamed

I tried again and I finally did it! I got on that wave! It was a huge one, I'm surprised it didn't knock me down..

"Did you see that?!?" I asked nash

"Dude! That was awesome! When did you learn how to surf like that?!" He asked so surprised

"Back at the orphanage the taught us a lot of things when we used to come to the beach." I said

"Ohhh, okay. Anyways you wanna go eat?" He said

"Yes I'm starving." I said and graved my board.

When we got to our things everyone was there except my boyfriend... Where is he?

"Hey have anyone seen Jack?" I asked

"Gilinsky?" Cam said

"Yeah.." I nodded

"I think he's at the ice cream shop. I'll go with you" Jacob said

When we got to the ice cream shop I saw Jack..... Kissing a girl that's completely not me!

"JACK HOW COULD YOU?!I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU CHEAT ON ME?" I scream at him with tears in my eyes

"Not cool man" Jacob said before running after me.

Gilinsky's POV

"Not cool man" jacob said and left to run after ash.

What have I done? I just really blew my chances with Ashley! I'm such an asshole!

"Who was that? " I hear the girl say

"Nobody" I said

"You told me you didn't have a girlfriend, bye Jack." She said and got up then left.

I'm screwed!

Nash's POV

"Ash what's going on with you and Jack?" I asked

"He cheated on her." Jacob said

"That little prick! Once I see him Imma whoop his as-"

"Nash don't, don't waist your time on someone who's not worth it." I hear Ashley say

"Let's just go home" I said

We all got our stuff and left.

*at cam and I's apartment*

"Can go shower?" Ash asked

"Yeah there's a bathroom in my room and upstairs" I said she went into my room and showered

"Can I shower upstairs?" Mahogany asked

"Yeah go ahed, there's two upstairs so anyone ca go up there" I said

She got up and went to shower in one, and hayes showered in the other one

" So what do you guys wanna eat? I can order pizza if you guys want?" Everyone nodded so I called

*30 minutes later*

After everyone and me showered me ate and watched movies

Everyone stayed over because it was 2am when the last movie ended.

Jacob's POV

"Ashley are you okay?" I asked as I entered Nash's room.

"Yeah I'm fine" she said

"Alright I'm just checking up on you, there's pizza and movies if you want?" I said

"I'm not hungry." She said

"Okay, then good night sleep well" I said

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