Why matt, Why?

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Ashley's POV

It had been a week into summer! and I'm with Nash and hayes at the fair, the fair that comes every summer here in NC,Matt said that he wasn't felling well so he stayed at home.

When hayes and Nash were tired of all the rides we decided to go eat at chipotle (A/N: my first time trying chipotle was yesterday night for dinner!) When we went in I saw that a girl and a guy were sitting at the table that we usually sit at so hayes and I sat in a booth and waited for Nash to order food.

When I turn around I see that that guy looked like.....MATT! He was with a girl and I saw them leave, he kissed her too! I went out there and slapped him really hard across the face and yelled at him, "so this is why you couldn't hang out with me?so you could cheat on me? Really Matt? You told me our love was endless! and you lied! Don't ever f-freaking talk t-to me ag-gain! I hate you!" You said as you you got your pennyboard and rode home.

Matt followed you until you stopped for a red light, there he start aid to cry and to talk, "Ashley, babe I'm sorry, I swear I'll never do it again,I love you! Please don't leave me, you're the only one for me! " he said "how long has this been going on?" You said "what?" He asked "I SAID HOW LONG HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN GOING OUT?!" You screamed at him " 2 months" he said while he looked at the ground. "wow, and you want a second chance? You're too funny! we're done! Don't talk to me,ever because you're just like every guy!" I said while I kept riding my penny and cried all the way home. I forgot that Matt was staying with us but all I did was just lock myself in my room and never came out.

*knock knock*

I hear knocks on my door and I still don't get up to answer it, so I just wait till someone says something. "Ashley? Are you're in there...I mean I know you're in there please open?" I hear a voice that sounds like hayes' so I get up and open the door and I let him in.

"Ash, what's wrong?" He asked with a frown on his face, " M-Matt he......he's cheating on me" I say as I break down to tears, "what? Sense when?" he asks with a concerned look on his face, "two m-months" I say as I wipe my tears with the sleeve of the sweatshirt Matt had gave me for our 11 months, "this isn't right! I'm going to tell him to leave right n-"he said before I cut him off " no,there's no point, he's still gonna come to our house and bother me until I forgive him." I say, I see Nash walk in and tell hayes to get out because he wants to talk to me alone,

"Ash, what did Matt do?" He asked "he cheated on me,for two months!" I said "I'll e right back." He said angrily

* 1 hour later *

I saw Nash come in with a bloody hand but no scratches so I got a little worried. "Nash? What did you do?!" I said/screamed at him "I beat up Matt for hurting you." He said while looking down at his bloody hand, "why?" I asked "because he hurt you!, and I was just trying to help!" he screamed "so you go and beat up the guy?" I said "yes! Because you're my sister and I care about you too much to see you get hurt by my best friend, especially my best friend!" he said "thank you, so much Nash, I love you and you're the best brother I could ever have!" I said as I gave him a big hug "hey! What about me?!" I hear hayes in the background, "you're my 2nd favorite brother!" I say while laughing.

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