Chapter 7

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Natalie's POV:

  I sat on my bed in my bedroom thinking about Audrey. She would be calling later for me to pick her up, I knew that I could trust Drake to watch after her since I wasn't there. Me and Audrey were twins but we didn't look anything alike, I had brown hair, she had black, I had green eyes, she had blue.
  There was a loud noise outside and me being me I crawled out on the roof to see what caused it. I look over near the forest to see a pair of yellow glowing eyes and my mind drifted back to that night when me and Audrey witnessed something we had never seen before.
   As I watched the eyes I heard my phone going off, I picked it was a unknown number.

"Hello?" I say nervously

"Hey is this Natalie woods?" The man asked.

"Uhhh yeah this is her can I help you."

" Yeah I was wondering why you ain't at the party, I was planning on seeing you again.....oh by the way this is Logan, you know the one from Tennessee?"

"Logan!!!it's good to hear from you again.....wait how'd you get my number?"

"Oh it's in the phone book I just wanted to talk to why ain't you at the party?"

"Oh I didn't feel like going and I have a headache and the smell of all those people and alcohol would just make it worse."

"Oh well.....I hope you get better.Maybe I can text I'll call you after the party how's that sound?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Alright then bye bye."

" Bye!" I say laughing to myself.

I look back at the woods and notice that the eyes were gone....that means whatever it was, was gone to.
Chris Thorn's POV:

  I woke up with my arm drapped across something, more like someone. I opened my eyes to see Stacie peacefully asleep. I kiss her on the forehead and get out of bed.
  I walked into the boys rooms and gave them kisses on their foreheads and made sure they were tucked in good and went into the kitchen and wrote a letter telling Stacie where I was.
  Dear Stacie,
   Sorry I left early
   This morning I had
   To take care of some
   Personal things. See
   Y'all when I get back.

I got in my 2017 black jeep and drove off toward Grove Street.
Drake's POV:

"Audrey is everything okay in there? Audrey?I'm coming"

I busted through the door to see Audrey leaning over the toilet puking her guts out. I walk over and grab her hair back so she wouldn't puke on it.
"Rey are you ok?"I asked using her nickname. She looked up at me and shook her head.
" stomach an....."She couldn't even finish her sentence before she was already puking again.
"Everythings going to be okay...I promise."I said stroking the side of her face."come with me."I said grabbing the trash can and helping her up.
  Once in my bedroom I layed her down on the bed and put the trashcan beside it. I covered her up and turned on the fan.
"I'll be you want anything, I could get you some ice cream..or I could tell everyone that the party is over so you can rest."I offered
  "No I'm fine.....well I'll be fine.....Drake...."she said.
  "Yeah?"I said.

  "Thank you for everything, I couldn't ask for a better friend." She said.

" to,friend."I said smiling,I turned around and headed for the door, my smile disappearing completely as I closed the door behind me."man" I said.
  I walked downstairs to see Mr thorn. I walk over to him questionly a bunch of other people looking at him shocked." What are you doing here?"
  " Oh I just came to see how the party was going...Oh and I brought this, thought someone might need it." He said pulling out a bottle of diazepam(a prescription for alcohol withdrawals).
  "Oh uh thanks.....REALLY THANKS!!" I said running towards the stairs and into my room a guy standing beside her as she slept.
  "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU???GET THE HELL OUT NOW!!!"I say scared for Audrey's life.
  The man looked at me and smiled."Don't worry I'm not going to hurt her, I just came to see how she was doing......She really is pretty,looks just like her mother."The man said as I looked taken aback as Mr thorn came running up behind me.
  "Why not? You took my world from me, now I'm going to take yours....I might even start with her." The man named Xavier said as he ran a finger across Audrey's cheek.
  "Xavier.....please, this is between me and you so leave my family out of it!"Mr Thorn commanded leaving me stunned.

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