Chapter Twelve

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The doctor discharged Luca-after two days. He is doing well. I am so tired, I haven't changed my clothes in two days, I have been so worried about Luca and mourning over Ava's death. I didn't have time to think about me. I had to sleep on the uncomfortable couch, my back hurts.

After we were done with the formalities, the driver came to pick us up. Henry. It was very silent in the car. I looked outside the window, while I thought. The car stopped, we were outside The Delux hotel. Luca got out of the car and so did I. We walked into the hotel and got in the elevator and still silence was our talk.

The elevator doors open and Luca held my hand as we walked out of the elevator. Red petals on the floor, leading to his room. I looked at him-astonished. As we entered the room, Luca put his hand on my waist.

The room was filled with flowers, the whole room filled with red roses, the bed filled with petals. There wasn't even enough space to even walk around, every where I looked it's only flowers that I could see. He lead me to the bathroom and there was a bath tub-filled with petals. And on the sides of the bath tub, scented candles. I don't know what to say. I felt butterflies in my stomach, excited and nervous all the same time. When did he even plan this? I was with him most of the time at the hospital. Might have been when Henry came over to see him.

"Clara, I appreciate you staying with me at the hospital and not leaving my side. I am sorry for being irresponsible and worrying you," he spoke sincerely. "Now I'll take care of you," he said-while removing my cardigan.

He told me he'd be waiting in the bed room. Luca got out and closed the door. Wait is he trying to get intimate with me. No, no this can't happen now. I can't do this. "Clara are you okay?" He asked, through the door.

"Ya-yes," I replied. I am not okay I am totally freaking out here. Clara breath. Either way I'll have to have a bath, I don't smell that good. I removed my clothes and got in the bath-tub, it is so relaxing, I didn't want to get out. I don't know how long I stayed in — though long enough for my fingers to wrinkle. I got out and wore the white robe that was hung behind the door. I feel so relaxed, and my sore muscles are at ease.

I got out of the bathroom and Luca was sitting on the bed patiently. When he saw me, he smiled. He patted the bed, to show me where to sit — right next to him. I clung on to my robe, and sat next to him. I noticed him holding a box on his right hand. "Clara I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me," he said. "Here..." he gave me the box. I opened it, only to find a beautiful elegant necklace- a gold flower and pearl attached to it. "It was my mothers. I want you to have it."

"I can't take this..." I said.

"But I want you to have it," he said in a modulating tone. I removed the necklace from the box and held it. He took it from my hands, I stood up and turned so he could make me wear the necklace as I held up my hair.

"Thank you," I told him as I turned to look at him. He pulled me closer by the belt of the robe- loosening it. I was against his chest now, as we looked into each other's eyes.

"You look rather alluring," he said in a low tone. My heartbeat rising.

"Luca did you do all of this so you... we could..."

"No Clara I didn't do all of this so I could sleep with you. I did all of this to show how much I love you," he said." But since you brought it up."

"No," I said, and took a step back. I tightened my robe and glowered at him.

"You look so cute when you're angry," he teased.

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