Chapter Fifteen

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I am helping Clara pack up her things. I tried to persuade her to hire people to do this, but she started debating on how nobody touches her books NOBODY BUT HER, and it's a waste of money. Like she's the one paying...

Clara has a lot of books-two boxes filled with books. When she told she's a book worm I didn't believe it, until I saw the two boxes filled with novels. That is just "some" of the books she carried to New York. Clara started talking about other books that are in California-sitting in the attic. I remained quiet as I was trying to calculate how many books she has.

Now I am in her apartment-helping her. She's stocking her books as I packed her clothes. "Clara!" I yelled.

"Yes," she replied. Clara came into the bed room. She started giggling.

"What's so funny?" I asked confused.

"You are," she answered me-still laughing. "Is that how you pack your clothes?"

"Well I wouldn't know. Mary usually does it," 

"Luca you've got to be kidding me. You've never packed your own suitcase," she said shocked-yet amused. Come to think of it, I have never really done it. When I look at the suitcase with the barely folded clothes in it. I now realize that I have never packed my own suitcase or fold clothes. She walks up to me, takes a t-shirt out of the suitcase and folds it. "This Lucas Salvador is how you fold..." she said and put it on the side of the suitcase.

I sat on the bed and watched her as she folded all her clothes. I hope she figures out soon that she's folding all her clothes. She's really good at it too. As she was doing it, she even commented on how easy it was to do it. 

I stood up and went to the kitchen. I went to get a bottle of water. When I came back in the room. Clara is sitting on the floor-back against the bed. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"I don't know. I just feel nauseous," she replied. I sat next to her and made her sit on my laps, her head laid against my chest.

"We can go to the doctor if you'd like,"

"No. It's probably nothing." I kissed her and held her tight in my arms. When our lips touch, I can taste the next sixty years of my life. Clara is my serendipity, the love of my life.

Clara fall asleep in my arms. I love watching her sleep, she looks like an angel. If I carry her and put her on the bed, chances are she'll probably wake up. I really want to do this for her, finish packing. I stretched out my hand, hoping it would reach the pillow on the bed. I got the pillow and slowly substituted, placing her head on the pillow. Carefully and gently. Clara curled herself as she slept on floor.

I stood up and continued folding her clothes. I should really take her out shopping. She needs new clothes. Haha she's going to hit me with a pillow if I ever tell her this. She'll probably give me the silent treatment, and I hate it when she does that. She knows it. I couldn't help but smile. And If love is madness, may I never find sanity again.

After folding all her clothes, just the way she showed me. I started taking out things from draws, and put everything in a box. We have been here since morning, it's now 4;00. I am so tired.

Clara woke up, she only slept for few minutes. She came to the living room, drowsy and looking confused. I walked towards her and kissed her.

I carried her (fire-mans carry) and headed out the door. "Lucas where are we going?" She asked.

"We have been in the apartment for far too long. We need to get fresh air and exercise. You are getting heavy-its getting harder for me to carry you," I said in a jokey tone. 

"You think you are so funny. Ha?"

"Well yes Clara I think I am," I said as I was going down the last staircase. We got out of the apartment, I put her down. And started walking-hand in hand. We reached the nearby park. We took a sit on the benches... I held her hand-as she kept her head on my shoulder.

We sat in silence as we both observed the children playing. "What if we have a kid?" I asked abruptly. That's the first thing that came in my mind-watching the children playing, running to their parents- whispering to them silly secrets.

Clara sat upright and stared blankly at the sight in front of her. "A child?" She asked in a low tone.

"Yes you would make a perfect mother and I a handsome dad," I said jokingly. She kept quiet, she looked like she's lost in her own thoughts. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I am just imagining you changing diapers..."

"Haha. I finished packing you know. While you were busy snoring," I told her. Clara turned to look at me, she smiled. I love her smile, it's just beautifully mesmerizing.

"Thank you Luca," she said- with a wide smile across her face.

"You are welcome princess," I replied. It started drizzling-suddenly. And in this moment like a swift intake of breath, the rain came. It started raining heavily. Clara stood up and started running, I walked. I thought about it, either we run or not- we are still going to be soaking wet. Clara's apartment is not very close to the park.

Clara stopped running, turned around and looked at me. I couldn't help it but smile, she looks beautiful. Her hair, often flying by the wind, was flatten by the rain, as I got closer to her I noticed the small drop of water attacking her body, her clothes are already damp. "Why did you stop running?" I asked her.

She twirled around, hands in the air and said...
"I LOVE THE RAIN!,"she yelled. Clara stopped twirling and looked at me. "I don't remember the last time doing this. Dancing in the rain and not just getting wet," she said, with excitement in her tone.

"Can we go now? If you stay any longer chances are you might get a fever," I told her.
She didn't listen, she continued to enjoy the falling rain. Clara started dancing, twirling and singing-I don't wanna live forever. Apparently she's obsessed with the song. I held her hand and made her walk-forcefully. Like a little kid.

"Some people feel the rain. While others just get wet," she muttered under her breath. I heard what she said, I tried to ignore her stubbornness- but I can't. I stopped walking and pulled her close to me, her chest against mine. I looked in her beautiful hazel eyes- they starred at me-hardly blinking. Rain drops falling on her face, seeping slowly. I kissed her.

In the pouring rain, two lovers kissing. It can't get better than this... ❤️


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