Chapter Twenty Eight

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"What's wrong Clara?" I asked, worriedly.

"I...uh.. I think...ow...the babies are coming," she spoke, seemingly in pain. She stood up from the sofa and put both her hands on her stomach and started breathing heavily. I quickly stood up.

"The car is outside, let's go," I told her helping her walk.

"Get Sebastian!" She yelled and than screamed in agony.

"Okay, okay." I rushed into the room, where Sebastian was sleeping. I carried him and rushed out the house with him. He got startled, and woke up. I couldn't think straight, all I was thinking about how Clara was in pain.

"Dad where are we going?" He asked, in a sleepy tone.

"Don't worry buddy. We are taking Clara to the hospital," I told him. "Where are the car keys?" I asked.

Clara screamed again, and I panicked even more, the car keys were on the coffee table. I went back inside the house and quickly garbed them. I kept Sebastian in the car and returned back inside to get Clara. She was standing frozen, letting pain take over. I helped Clara to the car. I quickly got in the car and started driving. It was really hard to think Clara was screaming. "Honey breathe, in and out," I told her, and than I breathed in and out.

"Daddy what's wrong with Clara?"

"Nothing Sebastian, her tummy is aching that's all. So we are taking her to the hospital."

"Are we there...uh...yet?" She asked, trying very hard to hide her affliction.

"We are almost there. Just breathe," I said, my heart starting to race. We got to a nearby hospital, I parked outside the entrance of the hospital. I helped Clara get out of the car, a nurse brought a wheel chair for her. Clara sat on the wheel chair and she was wheeled inside, and taken straight to the labour ward. I took Sebastian to the play room."Sebastian stay here and don't go anywhere," I told him and ran to the labour ward. I entered the room and Clara started screaming. The doctor was there...

"Okay Clara, I want you to push on more time. The baby is almost out," he spoke calmingly. I walked over to Clara's side and held her hand. I kissed her on the cheek.

"You can do this Mi amor. Just one more push," I told her.

"I can't!" she spoke her voice breaking and screamed.

"Yes you can."  She pushed and suddenly a faint crying could be heard. My heart raced, and I looked at the doctor

"Congratulations it's a baby girl. One more to go."

"You here that Clara, it's a girl," I told her, she squeezed my hand real tight.

"Okay Clara I need you take deep breathes, and push," the doctor instructed.

"I can't Lucas," she said tears falling from her eyes.

"Clara listen to me, you are strong and you are going to be an amazing mother. I need you to push, just one more push, so we can meet our other baby. I love you." Clara did push, and in just seconds another faint cry was heard.

"Congratulations it's a baby boy," the doctor said excitedly. I kiss Clara on the forehead and let out a breath of relief. She closes her eyes, and the heart monitor starts to beep.

"Doctor her BP (Blood pressure) is dropping! " One of the nurse said in high tone. I held her hand and didn't let go, I couldn't. The nurse started doing CPR, and than a defibrillator was brought in the room. Please don't die.

"Sir please go outside," the nurse put her hand on my shoulder.

"I have to be here,"I replied, my eyes fixed on Clara. Her eyes were still shut, looking almost lifeless.

"Sir we need you to wait outside." I let go of her hand and walked out of the room.
Every thought of Clara now just stung my heart. After a few minutes that felt like an eternity, I was called back inside, instructed to let her rest. The babies were brought in the room, it was like looking at two little angles. They are so beautiful. I held their tiny precious hands. I am still in a pleasant shock, they are my children. Mine...

"Hi..." I spoke to them in a low tone. "I am your father, I am so happy to finally meet you guys."

I heard a soft groan, I turned around to see Clara's eyes flickering. I rushed towards her and kiss her on her forehead. "You did great Mi Amor," I whispered. She looked at me hopefully, and faintly smiled. "It's a girl and a boy. Isabella and Ian Salvador," I told her and held her hand.

"Can I see them?" she asked, in a lowly tone.

"Yes." I went and took Isabella first and gave her to Clara and I held Ian.


I look at my child, and they are no words to describe the amount of happiness I am feeling. I stared into her blue-grey mesmerizing beautiful eyes, she can barely keep them open, I started planing all this things I would do with her and teach her. It was like holding a miracle and joy, I started playing with her tiny soft hands. Luca took Isabella and gave Ian, my son. My heart just melted... They have the same eye color. Oh... they are my babies. Tears lingered on my eyelids - tears of complete joy.

Holding Ian immediately made me remember Sebastian, my other son. "Luca where is Sebastian?" I asked him.

"He is in the playroom," he replied.

"Go get him, bring him so he can meet his sister and brother," I told him, and kissed Ian on the cheek.

"Okay," he replied. He kept Isabella in her crib and left the room.
For the rest of the minutes, I remained in owe of my son. I just want to hold them in my arms forever. Oh they are so precious. I couldn't stop looking at my him, I began memorizing the tiny details. Luca came in the room with Sebastian, holding his hand. He ran to my bed. Lucas took Isabella out of her crib, and stood next to me.

"This is your brother and sister, Ian and Isabella," Luca said.

"Can I see them?" Sebastian asked.

"Sure," I replied, showing him Ian.

"He is so tiny," he said and held his hand carefully.

"Yes he is, and then one day when he grows into a big boy like you, you will be playing with him," I said.

"And baby Bella?" He asked.

"Baby Bella?" Luca looked at me and than at Sebastian."

"Yes her," he said pointing at Isabella.

"Yes you will play with her too," I replied.

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