Chapter Thirty

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"Welcome home," I said opening the door to the apartment - the apartment I bought for Clara, her new home. I looked at her, watched her carry my child — our son. She does not want to show it, but she is hurting. Alone. Not much can be said or done, the hope in her eyes is fading, the promises she believes in are drifting out further away out of her heart and it's killing me.

"I love my room," Sebastian yelled. He came back to the living room and hugged me. "Thanks dad." An obsecure smile formed on Clara's lips.

"Let's take your brother to his room," I said, and glanced at Clara. Who couldn't look at me for a minute. I lead Clara to the baby's room. I couldn't tell if she was happy, there was nothing that gave away her feelings. They were two cribs, she kept Ian in one and stared at the other.

"I am going to play with my new toys," Sebastian said and ran out of the room.

"I'll remove the other crib..." I said in a low tone.

"She's not dead," Clara said, her head low. "My daughter is alive and she will come back to me." She looked up to me, her eyes glassy, tears slowly trickling down her cheek. I walked closer to her and wrapped my arms around her, as she cried. Nothing can be done, this is beyond my control. If only there was away to exchange my daughters life for mine, I would. Not a doubt in my mind. There's nothing I can do to make Clara happy and I feel miserable. I kissed her on her forehead, and carried her - bridal style. I took her to the master bedroom. I placed her on the bed. I removed her shoes and kept them on the floor. I held her hand...

"Our daughter is not dead, she will forever live in our hearts. And you will meet her again. You will meet her in another time," I told her and kissed her hand. She nodded, approvingly. Trying her best to hold in her tears, but failed by doing so. She cried more.
I went to the kitchen to get her a glass of water. In that little time I was away, Clara fall asleep. I kept the water on the bedpost. I watched her sleep, uncomfortably, restlessly. Something is bothering her, perhaps the brief memory of her only daughter. I got on the bed and slept next to her. Cuddling her. Reminding her that she has me, and she's not alone. 

My presence seemed to calm her.
After a while, I got out of the bed and checked on Ian and Sebastian. Ian still fast asleep and Sebastian in his room playing with his toy cars. I sat on the floor and watched him play around with his cars.
"Sebastian, I am travelling for a business trip. That means you will be in charge of things along with Clara until I come back," I told him. I am not even going to get a chance to properly know my sons or watch them grow up.

"Really!" He looked at me, his eyes widned. "I'll be in charge?"

"Yes, that means playing with your little brother Ian, helping Clara, being a good boy and doing your homework," I told him.

"Okay," he replied. "I will dad." I hugged him, and started playing with him. These are the moments I have longed for my entire life genuine joy and love. But I am doing this for them, for my family. If I don't leave, they die or worse, suffer. This is something I can control, and if it means never waking up to see Clara's sweet smile or to witness my children grow up. I'll give it up for their future and happiness. Hopefully my lawyer gives Clara all the papers when I am gone.

The landline started ringing. I head to the living room, and watched the phone ring. I knew what picking up the call meant and it took everything in me to answer the phone. "It's time," a husky voice spoke.

"I have to say goodbye to..." I said in a low tone, trying my best to hold back my emotions.

"I have given you enough time. I can not wait any longer, leave now or else," he spoke in a firm tone.

"Or else what? You are taking everything from me, this is worse than death."

"Go to your son's room," he instructed. I ran to Sebastian's room, and there was an illuminated red dot on his chest.

"You promised not to hurt anyone," I said, clenching on to the phone.

"Yes and I will keep that promise, if you leave right now. There's a black Range Rover waiting for you downstairs. You have five minutes to get in that car or he dies." He hang up the call. I hugged Sebastian, I went to see Ian too and then Clara... She's still sleeping. I left a note on the bedpost, kissed her on her cheek. I looked at her and couldn't help but smile, even when I am losing everything — knowing I have Clara, I haven't really lost. I left the apartment, my heart feeling heavy.

I saw a black Range Rover parked, a man came out of the car and opened the door to the back seat. I got in.


I was awaken by the cry of the baby, I made my way to the his room. "Aw baby don't cry," I said, picking him up from his crib. "Mummy's here now." I held him in my arms, rocking him very gently back and forth. "I'll love you forever, as long as I am living, my baby you'll be."

I wonder where Luca is... maybe he's with Sebastian in his room. I sat on the rocking chair, that was placed next to the window and I breast fed him. After breast feeding him, I burped him and kept him back in his crib. I decided to check on Sebastian and Luca. I went Sebastian's room, he was alone, laying on the floor. He fall asleep, still holding his toy car. I tried to carry him, even though it hurt with every step I took.

Where is Luca? I kept on wondering. I went back to the master bedroom, and sat on the edge of the bed. On the bed post I notice a glass of water and next it a note. Tears already falling from eyes, before I even read the note. Deep down I knew what it meant.

I love you. Nothing, and nobody not even time, will change that. I promise you, I'll find my way back to you, back home.


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