Chapter Twenty Four

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"Are you out of your goddam mind? Since when do you care about redemption and righteousness. Who the fuck told you turning yourself in was good idea, you think your going to get a reward. The blood on your hands will never be washed off. You are a Salvador, nothing in the world will ever change that. Think about what is at stake here - your life! Or am I the only one who thinks it's a bad idea?" Andrew yelled at me like I was a child.

"When I was just a ten years old my father took me to a storage house and there I witnessed hell, a ten year old isn't supposed to know hell. I couldn't sleep for months, I was haunted by own vivid memories. I was in agony. I turned out to be the monster my father wanted me to be and I thought it was the right thing because apart from my mother's attempt of trying to make me live a normal childhood, I had my father who wouldn't let that happen. Now I have a choice and I can see the difference between good and bad, I didn't have that before..." I spoke and stood up. "Now if you will excuse me I have some things to take care of." I left my office and took a deep breath.

I don't care about redemption, fuck that. I care about Clara and my child. That's all I care about now... I can already picture the headlines and the News - The Devil Who Turned Into A Saint. My mind was not were my body was. My heart is breaking and I feel so weak, I have never felt like this.

"Luca!" Clara shouted my name. I turned around and saw her coming down the stairs. My sanity. I walked over to her, she quietly groaned and breathed in and out.

"What's wrong?" I asked - worried.

"I don't know," she replied uncertain, her breathing becoming heavier. I held her hand and lead her out the doors and towards my car. "Where are we going?" she asked.

"To the hospital," I told her. I couldn't drive fast, it wouldn't be safe. Clara sat upright and kept her hands on her belly. She started whispering something under her breath. A prayer - most definitely. I averted my attention to the road, for a moment silence is all there was.

Until Clara started groaning and my heart skipped a beat. We got to the hospital, I parked the car and got out. I ran inside the hospital to get a wheel chair, by the time the nurse came out with one, Clara was already halfway near the entrance. She carefully sat on the wheel chair and the nurse wheeled her inside. "You are going to be okay," I told her reassuringly. Clara was wheeled to a maternity ward, the nurse told me to wait outside the room. I paced back and forth, after twenty-minutes the doctor came out. "Is she okay?" I asked frantically.

"Who are you?" The doctor asked me.

"I am the father," I replied, after a minute of realization that I was no one to her but the father of her child.

"Oh there's nothing to worry about. Miss Clara was just experiencing Braxton Hicks Contractions. These are irregular contractions that can happen on and off before you're actually in labor. They generally last up to 60 or 120 seconds on average, but due to her situation they could last longer. The causes are usually dehydration or too much activity," the doctor explained.

"What do you mean they could last longer because of her situation?" I asked.

"Because she is carrying two babies - twins, this leads too..."

"What did you say?" I asked, cutting her off.

"I said she is pregnant with twins. The ultrasound..." the doctor said slowly. Still I could not believe what I just heard, twins?!

"Uh thank you," I told her and walked past her. I went straight into the room, I still couldn't believe the news I just received. Clara looked at me, she faintly smiled, I walked over to her and hugged her. "Twins Clara. Twins!" I spoke in an excited tone.

"Yeah," she replied in a flat tone.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. Clara put her hands on her face and started crying, I couldn't tell if they were tears of joy or not. "Clara..."

"I can't do this alone Lucas. I can't raise two children by myself. I can't," she spoke, tears falling from her eyes.

"You won't be alone..." I stopped talking when I remembered where I'll be after she gives birth.

"And I don't know where my parents are. If they are alive or not," she spoke her voice breaking.

"They are safe. I made sure they are, don't worry," I told her. Clara pulled me in for a hug and no words could describe the amount of peace and happiness I felt. I sat next to her and held her hand until she fall asleep. I tried to think of ways to make her happy.

For a moment I forgot that I was a leader of a gang, a Salvador. She always brings the daydreamer out of me, the side I ignore and never had a chance to explore, until I met her and she doesn't know this but she's my blessing. I am an atheist but looking into her eyes I know it's something beyond me. Her touch brings life into me. I love her so much, saying I would die for her is an understatement. I would do anything to hear her laugh and see her happy. Not to forget her lame jokes that are not funny but I always end up laughing to.


"What do you call a sad cup of coffee?" She asked, yet again on of her many lame - almost funny jokes.

"Not again Clara," I complanied. It was her tenth joke that day, and it was fun at first than she kept on telling me more and more jokes, till I got immune to the jokes. I never thought that was possible - being immune to jokes.

"Please Luca! Last one I promise," she pleaded and I couldn't say no. Her eyes... it was everything about her that made me say yes once more. Even though she had tricked me many times before.

"Okay..." I sighed.

"A sad cup of coffee is called a depresso! Get it?!," she spoke, her eyes wide.

"I get it Clara." She started laughing so hard, tears rolled down her cheek. Yes, she laughs at her own jokes. I got up from my chair, we were in my office. I walked up to her and sat next to her on the couch. "Okay I have one. What is loud and obnoxious and also beautiful?"

"Hmm I don't know. What?" She spoke intrigued.

"My girlfriend. Hahaha," I said and immediately started laughing. Clara's facial expression changed and she looked annoyed. I leaned for a kiss but she pushed me away. "I was joking princess," I said.

"Not funny!"

"Do you have a bandaid? Because I just scrapped my knee falling for you," I said in a low voice.

Clara started laughing, "Flirt!", she kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear. "I love you Lucas Salvador."


My phone started vibrating and I gently let go of Clara's hand and left the room. It was my lawyer calling. I picked up the call. "Hello Mr Salvador," he said.

"Hi," I replied.

"The papers are ready and the publishers have agreed to publish the book. Everything is all taken cared of."

"Okay good. Change of plans Toni, don't bring the papers to me take them to the apartment and when the publishing contract is ready take it there too," I told him.

"Okay no problem Sir," he said and hung up the phone. I went back inside the room and walked over to Clara and kissed her on the forehead.

"You'll never feel alone, I will be there, even if I am not there wholly."

Sorry for the late update. I have been busy - school. I tried my best to update as soon as I could. 23K READS AND 1K VOTES! I am lost for words and forever grateful for the readers of this book, it's a blessing honestly. Thank you perpetually <3.

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