Chapter Sixteen

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"Luca stop it," Clara said. "Don't touch me." I retreated my hand that was on her waist.

"But I love you," I told her. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep. Clara got a fever, the next day right after dancing in the rain — as I predicted. The past four days she has been so fussy and doesn't talk much. Honestly it's the worst not talking to her, but that doesn't change my love for her in fact I love her even more and I get to show her since she already moved in with me. It's been a week since Clara moved in and it's just amazing — when's she's not being fussy.

I love how her presence in the house didn't feel bombard it was more of a she's finally home type of feeling.

Clara got out bed and sat on the edge - her hand on her head. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yes I am fine. I am just really thirsty," she said.

"I'll go get you a glass of water. Rest my love," I said as I was getting out of bed. She laid back on the bed - barely able too - she is still weak. Clara had been getting tired easily and complaining of muscle aches. We already went to the hospital, the doctor gave us medicine. She's getting better...

As I was heading towards the kitchen, the elevator doors open. I stood in a distance as I was trying to think who it could be. I am not expecting anyone today. I stood in a distance, curious to see who it is. The elevator doors opened fully and there stood my Aunt?

"Lucas," She said my name while walking towards me. I walked towards her and hugged her. "Mi ángel con alas negras, Su ira se ha perdido (My angel with black wings, your wrath has been missed)," she said - and stopped hugging me.

"Yo también te he extrañado ( I have missed you too)," I told her. Aunt Amelia is my fathers only sister, she lives in Spain and makes sure the Salvador's reign is respected. My aunt is worse than my father...

She will do anything, I mean ANYTHING for family. Family always comes first even if it means killing a mother in front of her child or taking a heart from one of her servants and giving it to her niece who needed a heart transplant. She wears the crown and nobody questions her.

"Que estas haciendo en nueva york? (What are you doing in New York?)" I asked her - curiously. She doesn't travel often unless it's very important, so this can't be a random visit.

"Luca tu tío Thomas y tus primos Alaina y Marcus han sido asesinados, sus cabezas fueron cortadas y enviadas a mi casa. Es el Vendettas ... (Luca your Uncle Thomas and your cousins Alaina and Marcus have been murdered, their heads were cut off and mailed to my home. It's the Vendettas...)" she said in a bitter - remorse voice.

The Vendettas? I have heard of them, they have been rivals with Salvador's for a Century. My father used to tell me about them, how they haunted for us, how they hated our existence. Ei sunt diavoli în măști de om - fiți sigur că vă rugați la stăpânul vostru (They are devils in masks of human- be sure to pray to your lord) — the roman saying the Vendettas made d to describe us, Salvadors.

"No merecían morir. Tu tío estaba muy tranquilo. Alaina y Marcus ... Lucas van a venir por ti y tu hermana, tuve que venir a verte personalmente. Nadie esta seguro. Debemos irnos inmediatamente a España - después del funeral tendremos una reunión con todos los demás... (They didn't deserve to die. Your Uncle was so peaceful. Alaina and Marcus... Lucas they'll be coming for you next and your sister, I had to come see you personally. No one is safe. We must leave for Spain immediately - after the funeral we will be having a meeting with all the other remaining Salvador's.)," she explained.

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