Chapter Eight

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Part 1


"I need you to deliver something. It's very important," my dad ordered.

"I can't today. I am busy," I replied.

"Lucas," he said my name in a rough tone.

"What dad! I did what you wanted. Put the fucking cocaine in your office and signed on your behalf. Now you want me to do a delivery? I am your fucking son you didn't hire me. Not like you ever known the difference," I raged out.

"You son of a bitch. Who the hell do you think paid for your luxurious life, ungreatful bastard. Who the fuck gave you permission to talk to me like that!" he yelled back.

I walked away. He doesn't deserve my time or anything. My dad is heartless, he could have shot me if he wanted to. He shot me in the chest once, it's a miracle I am even alive. I was only twelve years old, he shot me for no reason at all. He is crazy. Apparently it runs in the family...

I got in my car and drived as fast as I could. Away from the man who keeps on stepping on my neck whenever I try to breathe. I hate him so much, I just tolerate his bull shit. He has a bad anger issue, you do not want to be in his black list. You will end up swallowing your eye balls or left to have no fingers. He can ruin someone's life in a blink of an eye. How was my mum able to tame a beast?

I still drove at a high speed. I loved the danger and the freedom it came with.


"Ava I don't have anything to wear," I said to her. I decide to FaceTime Ava so she can help me choose an outfit, I sure can't do this alone.

"It's going to be okay Clara," she said. I sat on my bed, my clothes are every where. "Just set your phone on the dressing table and go try on outfits, I'll help you pick one."

I did as she said. I wore the first outfit she said no. The second outfit got a hell no. The third outfit got a meh. The fourth outfit got a no no no. I was physically done, my arms are so tired. I wore the fifth outfit and she said and I quote "Not bad." At this point I had given up.

"Clara come on. Just try on another outfit," Ava said.

"Okay fine!"

I tried on the sixith outfit. Ava actually liked it. Ha thank goodness. "Have fun on your date. Can't wait to hear the dets (details)," she said and hung up.

I took a shower and washed my hair. I waxed my legs, it's so painful. I can't believe I am doing this, I could just wear jeans. No. I have to look nice today. I blow dryed my hair which took like five minutes. I decided to leave my hair open.

It's 3:00 o'clock, he should be here any minute from now. I quickly wore my outfit, a light pink pencil skirt and a striped black and white t-shirt, with a cute statement piece to top it off. I put on my shoes. I applied on nude lip stick, did my winged eye liner and put alot of perfume.

I heard the horn. It must be him. Okay phone, check. Purse, check. Lip stick, check.
I rushed down stairs. A black open top ferrari was parked. Luca gets out of the car. He honestly looks so hot, he wore all black. I love the leather jacket. He opens the door for me and I get in.

"You look beautiful," he said, while he was getting in the car.

"Thank you," I replied.

"So what cafe are we going too?" I asked.

"Café de flore," he said in a french accent.

"I have never heard of it in New York. Is it new?"

"It's in Paris," he said and and started driving. My jaw droped and I was speechless. Paris?
He is taking me to Paris. I have never been there. I can't believe this. My first date, in Paris. I remained silent, lost in my thoughts. Not knowing what to say next. We got to the airport, he drove straight towards the run way. He has a private jet?

I shouldn't be surprised. But I am. This is all new for me. I got out of the car, and followed him. We got in the private jet. I sat on the specious seat. It's really comfortable. "I was thinking for dinner we could go to Greece at my favourite restaurant. Eleas Gi," he said. Greece?


"Is there something wrong?" He asked.

"Well I thought we were just going to a cafe in New York. You know, like how normal people would? But this is great too."

"I should have given you a heads up. I just wanted to surprise you," he said in a modulating tone.

"Trust me I am very surprised," I told him.

"It's a seven hour flight. Enough time to get to know each other," he said.

The pilot did an annocemnet and in a few minutes we were flying in the air. Luca started asking me questions. Though I didn't get much out of him. Just layers of mysteries. Luca poured him self a glass champagne, and for me too. I didn't refuse - I am really nervous. Keep in mind this is my first date, ever. Luca was busy on his laptop. While I tried to get some sleep. Eventually I did.

I woke up and felt the warmth of a blanket on me. I looked at Luca, he is asleep.

I stood up and as I was keeping the blanket on him. The jet was flying aside to the left more. I fell on Luca and hit my head on the wall. "Ouch!"

Luca woke up. I was now sitting on top of him. I tried to get up, but he stoped me, he held my waist. I look at him, both indulged in each other. He smirks and moves his head closer to mine, I sit frozen, from both fear and excitement. Luca leans in and his forehead leans against mine. His lips brush mine. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. I want to pull away before I lose my self but I can't seem too.

In this moment my thoughts have been seduced and I can no longer think straight. "Clara," he says my name sustaining each letter as if to savour them. My heart fluttering at his voice, as I clasp my hands on either side of his face. And lean for another.

His strong musk that just hypnotized me, his hands running up my back, his soft perpmint lips. I loved every moment, every kiss.

My heart was racing as his steady.

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