Chapter Seven

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*Play the song.*


It has been a week of complete resting, series watching and idolness. Well besides visting Ava in the hospital and spending time with my parents - that has been great.

I am going to see Ava today at the hospital - she is leaving for California today, with her parents. I still hate the idea of not being there for her. After visting Ava, I am going back to work at my amazing job. I love the atomposhere at the libarary, it's so peaceful and at times I get time to work on my story.

I got to the hospital. As I walk through the familer hallways, random people passing by me and the medicinal smell lingering in the air, I got lost in my thoughts (head in the clouds). Thinking of a particular person and flashing memories. Not looking where I was heading, I bump into someone. "I am so sorry," I said polietly.

"Look where you are going," he said croakly - busy on his phone.

"Sorry," I told him.

"For gods sake ..." he said and looks at me.

I froze as his blue eyes starred at my naked soul. My eyes widened, my face surprised and slightly pleased.

"Clara," he said my name with a obscure smile.

"Luca," I say his name - a smile spreading across my face. Eyes locked on like magnets, I couldn't tell what he was thinking. All I could see is a pair of blue cerulean mysteries. "Uh... thank you for the flowers and the note."

"You are welcome," he replied. Our eyes did the talking, as my mind curiously silently asked questions.

"Luca lets go!" A tall beautiful brunette yelled as she walked towards him. I walked away from him, I couldn't let him see my desperate — curious eyes.
He isn't interested in me, he is a freaking billionare he can have who ever he wants. Why would he want me ?

I walked in Avas room. She's asleep. I sat on the chair besides her and thought of the encounter with Luca. I can't stop thinking about him. Why? I don't want to call it love, it's just a human touch...

Luca is my first kiss, but he doesn't know that. And all I have been thinking about lately is the kiss we shared, unplanned or planned. It was my first time...  I was known as the prude in high school. While everyones goals was to break their virginity mine was to smiply finish highschool with good grades.

Ava is still sleeping. I decided to go to the cafeteria to get a snack.

"Clara," a very familiar voice calls out my name. I turn around and there he is. Blue eyes and all.

"Stalker much," I said.

"Hah" he softly chuckled and smirked.

"Or is it just a coincidence?" I asked him.

"Call it what you want. I am just glad I can see you again," he said. Is he flirting with me? I bit my lower lip and shyed away - my hair covering my face. "You are a work of art Clara," he spoke in a low tone. I look at him and he smiles, he's voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Your girlfriend is really pretty," I commented - bringing both of us back to reality. Because it honestly felt like it was just me and him, in a room filled with people. 

"Girlfriend?" He asked confused.

"The tall brunette ..."

"Ah you mean Vanessa. I assure you she's not my girlfriend," he said. "She's my step-sister."

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