Chapter Fourteen

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*Play the song.*


I have nothing to wear. Ugh.. I searched my whole closet but there's nothing cute. We are celebrating our anniversary. I can't just wear a normal dress- it has to be stunning, and I have nothing in my closet that is stunning.

I'll have to go to the mall. I really need a new dress. I rushed out of my apartment-and took a cab. I reached the mall in twenty minutes. Entered the mall and went into Ava's favorite shop ZARA, where she used to buy all her party dresses from. I wish she was here... A tear managed to escape my eye. "Don't worry we have that in your size," the sales girl said. I quickly wiped my tears, and smiled.

I looked at the dress that was in front of me, a nude tight dress, patterned with sequences. The sales girl looked for the dress in my size and gave it to me. I could never pull it off. "I can't wear this," I told her.

"Why not?" She asked curiously.

"It's not my style. I don't usually wear this type of dresses. I have only one party dress and my best-friend bought it for me," I explained.

"Well I think this dress would look amazing on you. Just try it on," she said. I took the dress, and went to the changing room. I wore the dress, and I just couldn't believe my eyes when I looked in the mirror. When the sales girl saw me she got really happy. "You have to buy the dress. You look so hot!"

"Uh I am not sure..."

"Well I think you should get the dress," she said and walked away. I took a look in the mirror once again and observed the dress on me, how it hugged my body revealing curves I never knew I had. I looked different, a new me. I decided to take it-went to the counter and bought it. I rushed out of the mall and took a cab. It's 6:30 and I haven't even showered. By 6:50, I got back home.

I got in, straight to the shower. After showering, I started curling my hair. I did my my make up, light and simple-as usual. It's 7:30 Luca should be here any moment. I wore my dress, I couldn't manage to close the Zip. It's half way zipped. The door bell rang.

I opened the door, Luca stood in front of me holding a bouquet of Calla lilies, my favorite. Wearing a suit and a tie, looking dashing as always. He walked in...

Our eyes meet, than our lips.

He stopped kissing me and started checking me out. "You look gorgeous princess," he complimented me.

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself," I told him and walked towards my bed room. He chuckled... Luca followed me into the bed room, stood by the door and watched me struggle trying to zip up. My hands got tired, I gave up. He walked towards me, stood behind me and zipped the dress. Luca slowly put his hands around my waist, hugged me from behind and kissed me on the cheek. Shivers went down my spine-thrilled. "You have no idea how crazy I am for you," he whispered in my ear. "I love you Clara."

"I love you too Luca," I replied. He kissed me on the cheek once more and let go of me. I wore my nude pumps, took my clutch bag.

Luca held my hand the whole time, till we got to the car. "Where are we going for dinner?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said in a honeyed voice.

"Is it in Paris?" I asked.

"Haha no princess it's in New York," he replied. The drive was long, but we finally arrived. At the New York Harbor? We got out of the car. We walked together holding hands. A sky filled with grey-almost-still-clouds, the gentle winds blowing through my hair, the dark waters gushing waves on the boats-seeming like they were ready to set sail. It's quiet too quiet, the suspense of my surroundings intrigued me. The creaking wood we walked on, made it feel more exciting with each step we took.

It's cold, so cold. I couldn't help but shiver. Luca's hand was my only source of heat.

The indistinct glances we shared, and quick smiles. Knowing we must focus on what's ahead. We stopped walking, we reached our destination. A yacht? I smile though I felt anxious. He lead me into the big-beautiful white yacht. The ones you dream to be in- when you're finally rich and famous.

The middle of the deck there was a table with two sits. While walking towards the table-the string lights suspended around the deck were switched on. I.. I don't know what to say. I walked towards Luca and hug him. All of a sudden the wind blows-making all the petals on the floor swirl around in the air. It felt magical.

We walked to the table, Luca pulled out my chair for me and I sat. He served me-a plate of Gnocchi, first before he sat. He had the same, there was garlic bread too and a bowl of salad. I noticed he was staring at me as I was eating. "What is it Luca?" I asked.

"Nothing just thinking," he said in a low voice.

"About what?"

"How lovely it would if I could wake up next to you every single day of my life," he said in a silvery tone. " You should move in with me Clara. You are usually at my place most of the time you end up sleeping over and than you have to go home because you don't have your clothes or..."

"Okay," I replied-without thinking twice. "I'll move in."

"Great," he said and smiled. "Te amo sin saber cómo, o cuándo, o de dónde, Te amo simplemente, sin problemas ni orgullo: Te quiero de esta manera porque no conozco otra forma de amar. Clara, Eres el amor de mi vida, tú eres mi todo. Te amo."

"I love you too Luca. Now can you translate everything else you said in Spanish,"

"I will translate it for you... When I'll be saying the rest of my vows on our wedding day."
I blushed, I remained silent as I was lost for words. When I finished eating-I stood up and walked over to the rail looking down the dark waters. Thinking about how lucky and fortunate I am to have Luca. It's so cold, I had to hug myself for warmth. A sudden warmth came from behind, a coat is placed on me. I turn around and Luca gives me a glass of red wine.

"I hope you know that you have my heart. I love you more than you will ever know," I told him.

"You are mine..." he says.

"Forever and always," I finish the phrase that he always tells me. Luca lead me through a door, the inside of the yacht is so glamorous and beautiful. It has three bed rooms even a living room. We entered one of bed room, I sat on bed.

I hesitantly looked up at him. The swirls of emotion I saw there made me gasp. Lust and desire. I know what is coming and glance away, then shyly look back at him. Luca approached me, his hand reaches under my hair below my ear, his thumb caresses my cheek. We kissed; slowly, inexorably.

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*Cries tears of joy*  I am so happy. Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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Te amo sin saber cómo, o cuándo, o de dónde,Te amo simplemente, sin problemas ni orgullo: Te quiero de esta manera porque no conozco otra forma de amar. Eres el amor de mi vida, tú eres mi todo. Te amo.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I don't know any other way of loving. You are the love of my life, you are my everything. I love you.

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