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  Author here! Thank you Xyellowcake for spreading my story around! It is really appreciated! If you're needing to find a good story follow her! She has a large crossover Aphmau playlist! If you want to be in the story Xyellowcake, I will dedicate an OC to you! This is the first real response to my stories! Thank you so much! 

  Whisp Pov.

  I stopped when I saw the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. A lake! It nearly blinded me when I stepped out. I looked at it for a few seconds, and I thought one word. Freedom! I was giddy for the first time ever! I wasn't sure the rest would want to stay with me though. I didn't need people anymore, I could just be myself!

   "Any of you know how to drive?" I asked while watching the water from the sidewalk.

    "I know a few things, why?" Max inquires.

    "Because I'm leaving you to your own devices."

   "Wait, what!?" Jin asks, alarmed.

   "You heard me. Your job is to not get caught, and to master your elements." They just stare at me.

    "What about you?!" Sky breaks the silence.

    "I can finally shed the need for my monitor, and find my past." I know they couldn't follow me into what I was planning. They would be dead weight. I throw Max the keys. He fumbles a bit, but he caught them.

      "Will we ever see you again?" Shubbs asked. I decided to be honest,

     "No probably not. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I plan to try to be more normal. After I burn that place to the ground that is. They have other buildings that I need to locate." 

    "Thank you for saving us!" Ross squeaks.

    "Yeahs, yous can'ts bes thanks enough!" Barney exclaims. I nod.

    "Goodbye." I walk away, down to the lake area. I wave behind my head. Not looking back. 

                                                           Time skip- two weeks.

    Max Pov.

   We had found our families again, and luckily we still live together! We didn't tell them how we escaped, or what happened in the asylum. I was talking with the crew, about Whisp. We flipped on the news.

"The fire happened at a lone building, that seemed to be an asylum. The building was by an unnamed lake." We knew what this was about, and we perked up, "It seems the patients were set free before it was burnt down by a young girl, around eighteen. This footage was caught by a really convenient passing drone." The newscasters fade out, and we see Whisp, leaving the building with a crowd of people running out, thanking her. Probably the test subjects. We see a man in a white coat, the one that kidnapped us! She called him Doc? She turns quickly to the subjects screaming,

 "Run, I'll be fine!" The subjects sprint away, fast. No one even tried to help her! Doc started to speak,

  "Now, now, don't test me child. You realize you're the only subject I need anymore." She seems to pause for a moment,

  "I'm not going back without a fight! I saw my file! You want to use me as a weapon! I don't want that! Because of you, some of us grew up in dog crates!" She didn't tell us about that!

  "I'll have to make you come back!" He growled.

    "No, you hurt too many people to get to me!" She starts to swing a makeshift spear at him!

   "Child, you don't know what you're doing!" She lands a hit on his arm, but it closes up immediately! She wasn't even surprised!

   "I hate you, you hurt them! You hurt Barney, who just wanted to know where he came from!" She hits him again.

   "Child, no!" He groaned in frustration.

   "You hurt Ross, who subconsciously looks behind him when leaving a room!" She stabbed him in the chest.

   "You hurt Jin, who no one realizes now sleeps with one eye open!" She swiped at his face.

 "Child, I can only heal so many of these!"

  "That's the point! You locked them away, you don't deserve to live!" I notice that we all were tearing up at her show of affection, before she takes another swing,

  "Shubbs, sweet adorable Shubbs!" She starts screaming at him. He looks at her confused, before saying, 

 "Do you mean specimen six hundred forty seven? Shelby Crown?" I feel a burst of anger at him.

  "Adam, and Max, they tear each other apart! Just to entertain themselves!" She takes two swings, and I blush a bit. Adam does the same, I bite back a growl.

  "You lied to my parents! I saw the file only listed me as Whisp! What's my real name, huh?! I was shocked so many times! It got to the point where they didn't hurt anymore!" She stabs him again, but this time a guard, Nicola? Nicola hit her head! Whisp crumpled, and Doc picks her up, carrying her into a black van! The tape ends there. The newscaster fades back on.

  "Now, I was horrified hearing what that girl was saying, experiments? Phil, your thoughts?"

 "I was also, but this man she fought seemed to regenerate! I wonder if that qualifies for superhero intervention?!"

  "Maybe it would of, but we are getting no leads! The police seem to have come up empty handed!"

    "That poor girl!" We turned the tv off in horror. Shubbs started to cry, and Adam said,

  "We need to help her!" We all nodded. 

  Whisp Pov. One week earlier.

 I set the file down, wiping dust off its cover.

Whisp project-

Day one,

We got the girl! She wasn't given a name because of us lying to her parents. So we called her Whisp, because she is going to grow up to be a whisp of a person. A shell of one. We set her up in the wired area, and I studied her brain. She appears to have a natural IQ of five hundred! Off the charts! We chose her because of her connections to Thor, and Irene. She will kill her parents. I need that to happen, so I will train her.

I skimmed through the rest, looking for anything on my parents. Nothing. I headed to the nearest city, and stopped at he library. I've heard the name Irene once, because a history teacher tried to teach me about her once. I never saw that teacher again. I have never heard the name Thor. I stole a few books about Thor, and Irene. Irene was a goddess, and protected of all things light. Thor is the Norse god of lightning he fell to Earth, and became a super hero. He teamed up with a few others, forming the avengers. He fell in love with Irene, and they had a... still born child! I put two, and two together! I wasn't human. I felt even more out of place. I was a freak!

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