Temporarily Inactive

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       Jess Pov.

       I woke up with three IVs in my arm, and a ringing in my ears. I don't feel bad, in fact I don't feel anything. I'm completely numb! I see the crew around my sickbed, and I'm surrounded by nurses, and doctors. I pretend to be asleep so they clear out. After an hour, there's no doctors in the room, and one nurse. I open my eyes, not hiding the fact that I'm awake. Everybody is surprised, and happy. They run up to me, ready to hug me. The nurse gives them a stern look.

         "You have to get out. The patient is fine." She tries to usher them out, but they stay put.

          "No, you get out." I try to match her tone, but it comes out a lot harsher than hers. She gives me a fearful look, but stands her ground. 

         "Stop it, patient. We need to discuss what you did. It's a medical anomaly." I sit up, and she pushes me down roughly.

           "I don't care what you think! You don't treat 'patients' like that! How would you like your boss to know about your anger issues!?" She scampers out, unable to meet my gaze. That was probably the rudest civilian I've ever met!

          "Wh-Jess!" I'm bombarded by a bear hug, almost suffocating in their grips. "Jess, you took a bullet to the head! How are you alive?!" Shelby asks, confused, and happy.

         "Good immune system?" I chuckle. Shubbs punches me in the arm, completely changing her relief to anger.

          "Don't scare us like that! Seriously, how?!" Her face turns to puzzlement. "And why'd you do it?" She doesn't know?

          "That bullet was going towards Max, didn't you see?" I ask.

           "It was?! Alpha, you're a hero! I want to be just like you!" Dandy exclaims. I see Max looking guilty, and grateful.

            "I-I don't know what to say. You took a bullet for me! I owe you my life!" I shake my head.

           "It was headed for your arm, I was saving you from a temporary pain. Besides, I owe you my sanity. All of you." I respond.

            "Why'd you risk death, just to save me?! As grateful as I am, you shouldn't have done that!" I rip the IVs out of my arm, and start to untie the various heart monitors, screens, and things I can't identify connected to me. 

           "I knew I'd recover. I survived a car explosion, I'm fine. Let's blow this joint!" When I try to stand, I finally feel the pain of a bullet to the head. It's like I've completely shut down, and my nerves are all on fire! I fall back into the bed, clutching my head, and curling into a ball. "Or not." My voice is laced with pain. I blackout from the assault on my nerves. Goddess, this hurts!

     Author here! I'm back, sorry for the short chapter! See ya Belladonnas!

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