Leaving the Pack

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    Whisp Pov. Six months later. Sorry for all the time skips.

    "Goodbye everyone, I'll be back one day" I wave towards a group of solem wolves. "I leave Dottie title of Alpha female." She bows her head in gratefulness. I notice one figure is missing, Dandy. I had already given her a special goodbye, so I wasn't too sad about her missing this. I shrug my bag up my shoulders, and head off to the nearest city. Time to find Doc, kill him, wait no, TEST him, then kill him. The Pack has stolen a small fortune of money over the last few months, so I pick a hotel.Life starts again, this time a murderous look in my eyes.

  At the hotel I change out of my ragged hoodie, into a purple tee, and jeans. I roam the streets, finally I find what I need. A library. I roam the news section, under the heading, mysterious kidnappings. I find one near Seattle that is a dead ringer for Doc's style. I bribe a drivers instructor to give me a license, and buy a small van. The van was old, and smelled like dust, but it got me there in one piece. Time to free more pr-specimens. I remember all the times I got beaten for calling them the p word. Prisoners, that is what they are! I let my thoughts burst free. Doc is too far to hurt me! I can think what I want too! Freedom. I sigh mentally. Whisp, don't think such things. Doc never wrapped you around his finger. You resisted. Yeah, yeah I did.

   Jin Pov.

   I can now do whatever I want with water! I have only one thing left, summoning it. I work on that everyday, but I've only managed about a cup. Frustrating! I drop a bit of water I managed to summon. I levitate it off the carpet. Smooth Jin, smooth. I play around with it, bouncing it between my hands, until Adam knocks on the door. "Jin? Wanna go to IHOP?"

   "N-" I think for a second. Whisp cared so much about us, she wouldn't want me to lock myself away. "Actually, yes." 

    "Yay! Red is driving us, but he won't be at IHOP!" Adam was doing a victory dance, I can hear it. I lifted the water I summoned into a cup that I kept in my room at all times. I think about the conversation that is inevitable, Whisp. I just can't believe that she's gone...

   Whisp Pov.

    I'm in the asylum, and the only thing that's important are the three minutes. Life or death. That is what three minutes can do. These particular three minutes, are the time before I get caught by reinforcements. In three minutes I could be back to a life of tests. I turn a corner sliding on my feet, I stop at a full cell. "Hey, I'm freeing you follow me!" A woman, and two men join the small crew of sp- Whisp stop it! Doc doesn't control you! Prisoners, prisoners, prisoners! I so far have a pink haired meif'wa, a brunette man, and a blonde man. The woman I just saved, has light blue hair, the first man has white hair, but he isn't old. The last man has dark blue hair. They try to thank me, but I just nod. I see another cell, and find an orange haired woman, along with a dark brown haired man with a bandanna. "Follow me to escape!" I run at a higher speed. Two minutes. I duck under a low vent entrance. The facilities are all built the same, so I know there is a test. I break a wall at the side of the vent, and step in. I see a black haired man, with a mask over his mouth, and a brown haired man with a green scarf. I yell,

   "Hey, you want to live?! If so, get over here, this is a rescue! We have one minute!" One minute. The black haired man fumbles for an exit, and the scarfed man looks around confused. I examine the room, and try to help them. I was always told I'm great at tests, my record is fifty seven seconds, for a class nine test. The room seems to be a mental test, rather than an emotional, or physical test. I see four doors, and a sign above each. There is a sign in the middle that reads, 'The only truth is death. The lie is the truth. I lie.' The four doors read,

     'Lie, life.' 'Truth, death.' 'Lie, death.' 'Truth, life.' I examine the riddle. It says it's lying, and all tests are supposed to have a fair answer. So reverse the riddle. The only lie is life. The truth is the lie. I know what door to take!

    "Death! Lying, and death! Take it! Trust me!" They both looked at me like I was crazy. The masked one yells,

    "Are you crazy?! Life! I would like to live! That would be nice!" The scarfed man pushes him in the open door. A weird version of Monica speaks,

    "Tnd-Tes-Test co-msg-completed." The voice is glitching, Monica can break naturally? Ok. A second later I see them join us, and I run. Run for the exit. In a couple of seconds the building will explode. Three minutes. I hear a small tick sound, and I push the last one out. The masked one. He looks at me with gratefulness, as the building collapses in on itself. I hear them panting, while on their backs, looking at the sky. 

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