Double the Dandy!

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       ☝️I just wanted a weird title. There are not two Dandy's.

        Whisp Pov.

        "I can't believe you talked me into this. Just... stay in the bag." I huff. 

         "Bringing your Beta along is the best choice you've ever made, Alpha!" Dandy tries to assure me.

          "Not if it causes bodily harm to the Beta! Don't pop out, unless there's trouble. If there's trouble, you run." I order.

           "B-But-" She tries to argue, but I cut her off.

           "No buts missy! Promise me you'll run far away, I can handle myself." She lowers her head.

           "Yes Alpha." She hops into my bag, and I see the asylum gates.

           "We're here." I rush in, eager to help them. I come across guards right away, I rethink my plan. Maybe try stealth? I look around, and find my ticket to the holding cells. There's a lone guard, sleeping on the job! I sneak up behind him, and raise a fist above his head. I scan the hall one more time. Two guards after the main stretch, a white expanse, and the guard on a chair that I'm about to hit. I lower my fist fast, knocking him out. It's asylum regulation attire, so I slip it off him. It's baggy on me, but I'll live. I take off my mask, and try to look natural as I walk down the hall. I walk past with no trouble, phew. I stroll through the main hall with no trouble, until I accidentally brush against someone's arm. I continue walking, but turn to see who I bumped into. I recognize the lab coat. The white lab coat, Doc! It takes every fiber of willpower I have not to turn, and attack. I realize I've stopped walking, and resume a brisk pace. I hear Dandy in my bag,

        "Is that the bad man?" I nod, and she seems satisfied. I continue down the hall, and head to the head computer station. Monica. I don't hear an alarm when I walk in, so I sit in the chair at her base. I type in holding cells, finding at least a million cells, including ones in other branches!

     "Urgh!" I slam my fist on the table in frustration. I search specific names. Most of the group show up in the same cell, five forty. But Shubbs, and Ross are gone! I search again, unsure. Then I realize where they are. The maze! The maze I had to build for Shelby! I made one for everyone in the group, but Ross was a part of Shelby's! I look at the many test rooms, finally finding the location. I'm coming Shubbs! It's hard to keep from running to the chamber, but I manage. I hear an alarm, but not for me. 

    "Specimen Shelby has beaten the maze. Her time was twenty six hours, forty three minutes, and fifty six seconds. Gassing both subjects now." I run. It's a stupid thing to do, but if Doc gets there first... well, her time was too long. She'll have to do it again. Ross will think she killed everyone again! I see Doc about to turn a corner, so I do some inventive distracting.

     "Fire! Fire in the east hall! They need you Doc!" I yell.

     "Not again!" He sounded exasperated. He sprints off, trying to stop a nonexistent fire. Hah! I turn a few corners, yelling about the fire, and reach the room I'm looking for. I see two guards, with Ross, and Shelbs on a rolling medical cot. I stop them, 

      "I'm escorting the prisoners! There is a fire in the east hall! Get there, quickly!" They nod, and scamper off. I grab the cot, and ram it through the doors. I'm sprinting, the whole facility is going insane, the chaos a perfect camouflage. I rush to the cells, easily finding five forty. I try to open the door, but it's locked! Apparently Doc isn't making the same mistake twice! I knock on the door, 'calmly' instructing them. "You need to get out of there! Find something heavy! Slam it against the door!" I am in hysterics! I start searching for anything to help me! I hear a distorted voice from the other side, but can't make it out. "I can't hear you! Just do as I say!" I hear a bit more talking, but eventually it stops. I hear something hit the door! Yes! I see Ross stir, and get a devilish idea. I move his arms around Shelbs! I start to jiggle the lock, and they get the idea. The thuds move to the other side of the doorknob, and I hear a click! I twist the doorknob, and meet no resistance! Finally! I open the door, and hear a shaky voice,

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