We Don't Want To Hurt You!

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    Jess Pov.

    I feel my eyes widen. Max is kissing me?! And I like it?! I'm too shocked to do anything right away, but I regain my wits in a moment. I knee him where the sun doesn't shine. "Wh-What the hell w-was that?!" He crumples, and I know my rage is displayed clearly on my face. "I came here to kill you all! What the hell?!" Their faces show their hurt, fear, and another thing I can't describe. Like regret, pity, and self hatred all in one. There's a long moment of silence.

   "J-Jess..." Jin trails off.

    "Oh lurrhs, Jets. We's are sos sorrys." Barney apologizes.

   "I forgave you all immediately. For a long time, I expected you guys to come back. To help me even." I shake my head, and click my tongue. "I was too naive to see that you guys didn't care. Eventually my hopefulness became rage." 

    "We do care!" Max groans from the floor.

   "And you! Why did you do that?!" I ask, hostility obvious.

   "Thought it was obvious. I've liked you since the beginning." I stop in my tracks. All those times he flirted with me, he was serious?! 

   "Wh-What?!" I stutter.

   "I-You were oblivious the whole time, weren't you?" 

   "E-Enough!" I send a ball of lightning at him, but he manages to roll out of the way. I summon balls of darkness onto my fists, and lash out at Ross. 

    "Woah!" It's a near miss. 

    "Stop, we don't want to hurt you!" Sky cries out. 

    "You should have thought of that when you gave me to the man I hated the most!" I shove a wall of darkness at him, but he flies above it. They just keep dodging! "Just fight back!" I grit my teeth in anger. My first hit is on Barney. He made a pillar of earth to jump to, but I knocked it down. He's launched over to me, and I bring my fist down over his head. I stand there a moment, realizing that I can't kill him. I just can't! I leave him knocked out, and move on. Ross is using a bubble of sorts, to protect himself. I shock the bubble, and it travels to him. Another one down. I notice Adam, and Shelby trying to help Barney, and Ross, so I target them next. They sprint towards Barney, and I take the opportunity. I shock the back of Adam's kneecap, making him stumble. Shelby helps him up, and I use that to my advantage. I encompass both of them in a ball of lightning. They're both knocked out by it. 

    "Please, listen!" Jin begs. I get an idea. His worst fear. I use darkness to push four walls towards him, and his eyes fill with terror. "N-No..." I slam them into him, knocking him out. There is no teamwork here, at all! Max is the only one left. 

   "Jess!" His eyes are giving me a silent plea. I ignore it. It pains me, but I run after him anyways. He doesn't see the blow to the back of his head coming. 

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