The Pack

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     Author here! Xyellowcake, I accidentally typed your name wrong, sorry! I edited it though. The OC is here! You should know her when you read her. She is energetic, but not overbearing once you get to know her! She is a colorful being, and is a great friend. She is like a cross between Dottie, Kawaii-Chan, and she gets mad as Katelyn when you mess with her friends! Thank you Xyellowcake, and all my Belladonnas. That is what I am calling the amazing people who read this, after deadly nightshade. Story time!

 Whisp Pov. Modern day. Age 18

   I woke up in a van, tied up. Nicola was crouched down by me. She doesn't seem to realize I'm awake. I had no clear way out, except... I could test my theory about my parents. I already know how to use some elements. Maybe lightning is no different? I try to gather all the static electricity around me. I feel a spark at the tips of my fingers. I try to utilize it, and I make it grow bigger. I make a small ball of electricity. I throw it at the bottom of the van. I hear a large explosion, and my ears start to ring. My vision blurs. I see Doc, and Nicola escape, leaving me in a car about to explode! I close my eyes, loosening my body, expecting a pain that never comes. The car does explode, but I don't feel a thing! I fall asleep, covered in ash, and shrapnel.

   Max Pov.

  Whisp, I couldn't get her out of my mind. She helped us escape, and she paid the price for helping us. It didn't help that she was as pretty as a wild fire, and yes I find those beautiful since I've discovered my knack for making fire. I was training with the crew, in a forest near our houses. We had told our parents that we wanted to go on a vacation, but really we were headed to help her. We remembered that the asylum was near a city called Silver Den. So we were on our way there. I couldn't drive legally, so we are waiting for our flight. Shelby is the only one of us with a sibling. Her parents wouldn't let her go without him. He was her older brother, Red, and we haven't told him what we're actually doing. We can't.

   "Max, you're staring into space again! We need to train!" Adam complains.

   "I'm just... thinking... about her." I respond. Adam growls at the back of his throat without realizing. Way to be obvious Max. I think bitterly. Sky starts to throw a few puffs of air at me, and I fire back. Literally. Adam dodges some, and he also puts a few out with bursts of air. We throw a set at the same time, he knocks me flat on my ass, and I light his pant leg on fire! He recovers by stop drop and rolling. I get up, and we hear Jin yell, 

    "Our flight is going to be here in an hour." We stop, and head for the airport.

  Whisp Pov.

I woke up, but not where I fell asleep. I woke up in a cave, with bones scattered around me. I sit up, alert. I hear a snarl, and I whirl around to see at least seven wolves! I stop to think for a moment. Irene could talk to animals, right?! I tentatively say,

  "Do you hear me?" I lower my eyes to the bones on the floor.

  "You speak our tongue?! What kind of human are you?!" The biggest wolf snarls, obviously the Alpha male. I was surprised it worked! I bow my head in reverence,

  "The not human kind. My name is Whisp, and I am a daughter of Irene. I speak all wild tongues fluently. Please have mercy. I can help your pack." I say in an even tone. Not wanting to trigger him. 

  "You must stay, and prove yourself." The red furred Alpha says. But I see a large gray female, probably an Alpha too, speak up,

 "Really, you're letting a non wolf join the pack?! Have you lost your mind?!" She says angrily. She charges at me, and I reflexively dodge.

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