Whisp, Dead?

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     Max Pov.

     After we got off the plane, we immediately went to the asylum grounds. It is surrounded by police tape, and a crowd of civilians were all around it! One woman, trying to get in, pushes down a scrawny man, yelling,

     "Let me in! I'm sure that was my child!" Another woman pipes up,

     "No she's mine! My baby was 'born dead'!" A man interrupts,

      "You've never been pregnant! You liar!" Wait, are they all saying Whisp is their child? Just to be famous? The sickos! Whisp is in real trouble! Shelby pushes through the crowd, and we follow. She walks up to the nearest officer.

    "Sir, we have information on the missing person." The man started to shake his head no, but Shubbs used her powers. His eyes slowly turn to red, and he nods. He lifted the tape, and we ducked under. 

    The officers mind clears, and he looks confused. He covers it up by asking, "Do you know the missing person?" Sky responds,

   "You could say that. We don't know her very well, but she helped us escape when we were kidnapped at age twelve. The person whom she called a Doc kidnapped us." The officers eyes widen, and Adam continues, "We later found out that she was used for various experiments, and did more of them to protect us. After she freed us from the facility we split up, and she went back to burn it down." His voice cracks a bit. "Well, y-you know what happened after that." The officer nods, and we are driven to a small police station to file a report. After that, we take matters into our own hands. We go to the lake she left us at.

   "The file isn't here, and I don't see anything to show she's been here recently." Jin says worriedly. I look around, and he is right. Nothing to say she's been here. I freak out on the inside. Is she okay?! Is she doing tests?! Is Doc hurting her for saving us?! Shubbs steadies us.

    "Whisp is tough. She'll be okay!" I doubt her words, but we get into the car the police station left us, because Shelbs 'convinced' them. I drive around, trying to think about any leads, when I see a cars remains on the side of the road! I pull over to inspect, when I notice the cars design. A black van. We all started crying, and Shubbs started to hyperventilate. Ross puts a hand on her shoulder, and she calms down a little. When we return to the hotel Red was furious at us for leaving without telling him! He sees our downcast faces, and he quiets down.

   "Everything okay?" He asks tentatively. I nod before he leaves. "I'll give you guys some space. I'm going to be at the lake." He seems like an okay guy, and knows not to pry. He's a good person overall. We console each other for a long hour, and we fall asleep crying. She's gone. The love of my life... is gone forever.

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