Faked Capture.

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   Max Pov.

   "Oh my Irene, is that Nicola?!" Shubbs was whispering, but we all knew the answer. A tall brown haired, blue eyed, woman surveyed the area, not even trying to blend in. Nicola seemed to be cocky today. We ducked behind the table at IHOP, almost knocking my hash browns off the plate with my fork. I turn to the group worriedly.

   "Definitely! We need to run!" Jin ponders it for a moment, but Sky speaks quicker.

     "No, we need to blend in! We can slowly make our way out!" Jin tries to speak again, but is interrupted by Barney.

    "Waits, wez coulds usez our powers!" It is ridiculous, the amount of times Jin gets cut off. I hold a hand up for him to speak. Jin shoots a grateful look, and finally gets to have his say.

     "Well, we could get captured." Everybody looks betrayed, and shocked.  "N-No! I mean, we could let half of us get caught! They don't know we can use our powers, and we might be able to get close to Doc! The rest will be there, if anything goes wrong!" I consider the plan, on one hand we might get stuck there, unable to escape. On the other, we could kill Doc for what he did to Whisp! There is a clear winner in my mind. Whisp needs to be avenged.

    "I vote for this plan. Jin has a fair point. Those bastards need to pay for Whisp!" I stage whisper. (Drama kids get it.) Everybody nods, and we evaluate the groups. By we, I mean Sky.

   "I vote, Max, Jin, Shubbs, and I go. It isn't half, but we don't need too many people outside if everything goes according to plan. Try not to make your powers obvious." Everybody agrees easily. I like my part, I can murder Doc! He will be burnt alive when I'm done with him! Sky slowly stands up, and Ross, and Barney sneak away. Soon I feel some sort of handcuff around me, and a moving van under my feet. Already regretting this. I see a green gas fill the trunk, and suddenly my vision tunnels. 

   Time skip- One week.

   Back in a cell, great. We've been isolated for about five days, only seeing other people when we get food. Shubbs discovered a new ability, telepathy! I saw her in the corner of the dimly lit room, probably assuring the others we're ok. I suddenly hear an alarm.

   "Gas filling the room. The Doc is in."

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