Revealing the past

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"That's so cute!" Lance and Hunk cooed over how Keith had picked out a wedding dress for his future wife. They were all laying on the floor of Lance's creative castle.
"Wait... what's this?" Pidge asked, pulling a tab labeled, 'me and my future wife.'
"Wow," Lance whispered, seeing what Keith had done. "He set up biographical sheets for him and whoever this girl is."
Hunk pulled the picture of 12 year old Keith and the girl out of the book before Pidge could see it.
"Whoa. Lance... check this out," Hunk whispered, holding the picture up next to Pidge's face.
"The resemblance is uncanny!"
"Scarily so!"
"Who is this girl?"
"Let me see that..." Pidge whispered, wondering what they had uncovered. "I can't believe it," she smiled sadly, pulling a picture out of her back pocket.
"Is this the same picture?" Lance asked. The picture had a young girl with brown hair in a light green dress mutually hugging a young Keith who was wearing a black t-shirt and a red sweater.
"What does her page say?" Hunk asked, grabbing the notebook and reading the girl's page aloud. "'This is Katie Holt, and she is the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I met her the same day I met Shiro. Her favorite movie is Tarzan, she has light brown eyes and her nose crinkles when she laughs. Her favorite color is green and she is super smart. Some day, I'm gonna marry this girl.' Pidge... is this you?"
"Yeah... that's me," she smiled.
"Does he... does he know about this?"
"Yeah, Shiro and I told him about a month ago."
"I mean this." Lance sighed holding up her biography page.
"Probably not," she laughed, "he hasn't even looked this far back. Let's let him discover that on his own."
"I agree completely, Hunk, grab your notepad we're taking notes on what this twelve year old wrote." Lance smiled, going back to the beginning of the book.

"You know what you're gonna have to do?" Shiro smiled, a hand on Keith's back leading him through the doorway to the creative castle.
"Yeah...Pidge? Are you guys in here?" Keith asked, poking his head into where Lance was pinning the fabric to make the dress for Pidge.
Pidge blushed a bright red.
Keith quickly snapped back into the room from whence he came and slid to the floor with his hands over his eyes and his ears a bright cherry red.
Shiro popped into the room, "she's totally wearing clothing under that isn't she?" He whispered to Lance.
"Oh yeah, bloomers and a tube top."
"Hunk, can I see the picture of that wedding dress?" Shiro asked, and whistled when he saw the picture. "That's pretty."
"It's super decadent, she'll make it look good ... it's like it was picked just for her."
"I was there when he made that book, what was it? Cherry red, mint green, and white for the colors?"
"Yeah," Lance smiled, pulling a pin out of his mouth.
Keith slipped into the room and laid on the floor next to Hunk who was reading the book.
"Who's that?" Keith looked up at Shiro. He and Hunk were reading the bridal party page.
"Keith," Shiro sighed, sitting on the floor, "those are your siblings."
"Where are they?"
"On Earth, living with my family."
Pidge chimed in, "can we go get them?"
"Actually... I think we can," Shiro smiled.

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