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A day later everybody was settling into their new surroundings.
"Keith," Lance had a tailors' corsage on his wrist filled with pins, a measuring tape around his neck, and a plain white t-shirt revealing his muscular arms. "I need to do the final fitting for the suit, and we'll need to start on the bridesmaid's dresses tomorrow." He sighed, walking into the living room.
"Do you want me to come now?" Keith asked, looking up from his toast.
"If you can, it'll only take a few minutes."
Keith, Pidge, and Lance happily chatted about wedding plans on their way to Lance's creative space.
"So the plan is finish the suit and get started on the bridesmaids dresses, what colors do you want those to be?" Lance opened the door for them and Keith gasped. "What?!" Lance shrieked, seeing what had happened to his area.
Long bolts of fabric were strewn across the floor and ribbons were hanging from every possible area. "Who is responsible for this?!" Lance stormed into the room where the bolts of fabric were usually kept to see the twins sitting in a pile of fabric wearing white cat ears in their now white hair.
"You two! This is Arusian silk, do you know how hard this is to clean?!" Lance fumed.
"Yes, we read the instructions." They replied calmly.
"Is something under that pile?" Lance pointed at a pile that sat between Ransa and Shinju.
"Mew, you can come out now." Ransa poked the pile, and Miya popped out.
"Lance?" She gazed into those deep blue eyes.
"Miya?" He lifted the fabric that was covering her left eye. "Gosh, it's been..."
"Four years."
"K-Keith, go change into the suit so that I can put the finishing touches on it." Lance sighed, picking up the bolt of silk and rolling it back up.
"So Lance, we were thinking one yellow, one blue, one green, and one purple bridesmaid's dress." Pidge smiled, pulling Lance away from the girls.

"Well, that's it on the suit," Lance smiled, brushing off the cherry red suit Keith was wearing.
Pidge whistled, making Keith blush.
"Want me to call the bridesmaids in?" Pidge asked Lance as he began setting out the fabric.
"Wait, let me write this down, Ransa in yellow, Miya in purple, and Shinju in green, and... Minty in blue?" Lance pulled out a gel pen and wrote the names and colors on his inner wrist.
"Yep," Pidge chirped.
"Please, send them in one at a time."

Lance was arranging the fabrics for the bridesmaids dresses he had designed when Minty slipped into the room. Silently, she picked the designs up and smiled. Each was unique in it's own way. She snuck up behind Lance and put her hands over his eyes. "Guess who?"
"Minty, i-I just want to get the wedding preparations finished," Lance stammered.
"Didn't you miss me?"
"Of course I missed you, your the only girl I couldn't keep my mind off of."
"Then talk to me, and do that magic that you do." She smiled, spinning him around to face her.
"Good plan," he pulled the measuring tape off of his neck, "lift up your arms?"
He did all the measurements and began marking the fabric.
"So, I'm wearing the blue one?" Minty smiled, peeking over his shoulder.
"Yeah," Lance replied, pulling a pin out of his mouth.
"I like it."
"I do too."

-Meanwhile in the kitchen-
Ransa was the only one in the kitchen and she was trying to make bread. Both her and Shinju's hair were a snowy white color.
"Is flour even a thing aliens have?" Ransa sighed, searching through the cupboards. She had an orange piece of ribbon tied around her head to hold her hair back and a yellow apron with a pocket shaped like the sun. "They've got to have some..." she whispered to herself climbing onto the counter to look on the top shelf. "There it is!" She pulled a bag of flour out from the back and somehow knocked herself off balance.
"Are you ok, miss?" The man who caught her asked, setting her on her feet.
"Yes, thank you for saving me, I'm Ransa." She twittered quickly, brushing herself off and extending her hand to him.
"I'm Hunk," he smiled warmly, shaking her hand.
"Do you know where the baking supplies are?" Ransa inquired, smiling at him.
"I do, do you want help?"
"Oh, yes please!"
As they gathered ingredients, they laughed and shared stories with one another. Ransa was just about to put the dough into the mixer when Hunk grabbed her wrist.
"What?" She asked, turning to look at him.
"This isn't normal flour, you have to knead it more, otherwise it explodes." Hunk smiled, letting go of her wrist and gesturing towards the floured counter.
"Oh, ok." She put the dough on top of the flour and began trying to knead it. "What the hell," she whispered, the dough was impossible to knead, it was like trying to massage a brick!
"Oh, I forgot about that, let me help." Hunk laughed, standing behind her and helping to knead the bread.
Ransa blushed profusely and tried to focus on kneading bread.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't notice I was that close to you!" Hunk blushed lightly, and stepped back.
"N-no, it's fine." She bit her lip, "besides, I can't knead this by myself."
"Are you sure?" Hunk double checked.
"Yeah," she smiled, gesturing towards the dough.
He returned to helping her knead the dough and when it was finally done they put it in the oven and set the timer.
"Wanna see baby pictures of Shiro?" Ransa smiled mischievously, as she pulled an album out of her backpack.
"Omigosh yes," Hunk laughed. He wiped down the counter and they sat on it.
Shiro walked in right as Ransa was showing Hunk the picture he would liked to have burned.
"Aww, look at him in those bunny ears!" Hunk laughed joyously, putting an arm behind Ransa and leaning in closer.
"Ransa," Shiro growled, "I thought we agreed never to show that photo to anyone!"
"That was before you posted the video of me doing impressions of you." She stuck her tongue out at him.

Grumpy, Shiro walked out of the kitchen. He walked down a few corridors when he suddenly felt a pair of small and feminine hands touching his chest. He blushed profusely and bit his lip.
"Who is this?" Miya whispered, putting her hands up to feel his face. "That doesn't help," she huffed, she was blindfolded and a complete stickler when it came to obeying the rules. "Mmm! You smell good! Like sunshine and woodsmoke!"
"Miya! What are you doing blindfolded?!"
She lifted off her blindfold and blushed lightly, "oh, hi Shiro, we were playing blindfolded hide and seek!"
"Lance! Pidge! Allura! I said no more blindfolded hide and seek after the spacetopus incident!"
"Booo..." Allura sighed, tumbling out of the air vent on the left wall.
"Miya, Lance wants to see you for the measurements for your dress." Shiro smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder and walking away.
"You should have kissed him," Allura smiled as she walked by Miya.
"What?!" Miya jumped.
"Come on, I haven't lived as long as I have without being able to tell."

"Lance?" Miya knocked on the door.
"Come on in, I'm just laying out the fabrics for your dress," Lance called, carrying a pile of black and midnight purple fabrics.
"These designs are really cool, Lance!"
"Omigosh, put your arms up so I can take your measurements," Lance laughed, she was just as perky as he remembered.
"I brought the Spanish and Pop mixtape you made me," Miya smiled, as soon as Lance began drawing the pattern on the fabric and cutting it out.
"The one I gave you for Valentine's day when we were freshmen?" He looked up from his cutting.
"Yeah," she smiled, popping it into her old Walkman, and plugging in some speakers.
"Man, I didn't realize how much I missed that music." Lance smiled, finishing up his cutting and sewing the fabric together.
"Wow," Miya smiled, looking at Pidge's dress, "she'll look like a Disney princess."
"Keith certainly had ornate tastes for a twelve year old."
"He wanted to be able to give her the best, that's what made his love story sad."
"That is true," Lance sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

---two weeks later---
"Ok, the order of bridesmaids in the line up is Miya, Ransa, Shinju, and Minty. While for the party of the groom it goes, Shiro, Hunk, Matt, and Lance." Keith sighed, it was the night before the wedding and he still had to finish his vows.
"Keith, focus, you're getting tired-drunk." Shiro sighed, looking at Keith who was chewing on his red pen.
"Ok, ok, but I need your help."

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