The Day

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"You got this," Shiro whispered into Keith's ear.
Everybody was waiting for the bridesmaids and bride to come up the aisle. Shiro was wearing a purple suit, Hunk a yellow one with an orange bowtie, Matt in a bottle green one, and Lance a midnight blue suit.
Everybody stood as the bridesmaids came down the aisle, followed by Pidge as the bride. She had a white flower crown, and the sparkliest white ball gown ever seen. Matt gave her a thumbs up.
When she stepped onto the altar Keith noticed that Pidge wasn't wearing shoes.
"Why are you shoeless?" Keith whispered.
"Because all I have is sneakers." Pidge giggled.
Allura stood on the other side of the altar, "Contrary to Altean tradition, sometimes you humans make your own vows, and that's what these two have done, so Keith, will you please present your vows?"
"Eeyup," he rolled up his right sleeve to read the vows which were written on his forearm. "Oh gosh, so many fire puns. Pidge, why did you let me write my own vows?"
Pidge laughed, and smiled at him.
"I'll just go along with it. I'd like to apologize in advance, I am so sorry, but here we go. Pidge, you are the fire in my heart. You keep me fighting. You are the reason I smile. You are my burning sun. I might not have a past, but as long as I have you, I have a future brighter than any fire. Pidge, I love you. You are my reason for being, and I want to light up your world, as much as you light up mine. I can't abide the idea of another sunset without you. I love you, and I will never stop loving you. Please, be mine forever. Because, I'll always be yours."
When Keith finished, Hunk was sobbing and Lance was sniffling. Miya gave Keith a thumbs up.
"Will the bride please present her vows?"
"I will," Pidge smiled, she had written her vows in binary code on her wrist. "Keith, I've loved you since the moment I first saw you. You made me who I wanted to be. You were there when I needed you. You taught me, that there is so much more to these stars than specks of light, they're lives. I will love you until all energy is destroyed. I want us to be like energy, it cannot be created, nor can it be destroyed, only changed, it's eternal. You never have to be alone because I'll be with you forever. I will always be yours, and I am so glad, that you will always be mine." Pidge smiled, looking up at Keith, who was practically glowing.
"Ok, I pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." Allura sobbed, wiping away her tears.
Keith pulled Pidge into the war-hero kiss.
Everybody was gathered around the stage expectantly. "What do you think they're waiting for?" Pidge whispered.
"Flowers?" Keith pointed to Pidge's bouquet.
"Oh, yeah, that is what normally happens, isn't it?" She nonchalantly tossed the flowers behind her.
Miya jumped off of somebody's shoulders and snatched the flowers from midair. "GOT EM!" She laughed, and then realized she was going to fall about eight feet to the ground.
"Oh no, not today!" Shiro dashed up to where she was going to land and caught her.
"Hi there handsome! I'm getting married, you wanna be the groom?" She smiled up at him. He blushed and was silent for a moment.
"Umm... y-yeah, ok." Shiro stammered, his ears a cherry red.
Shinju whistled approvingly at Shiro and Miya. "Took 'em long enough!"
"Yeah it did!" Minty smiled, wrapping her arms around Lance's neck from behind him.
"Come here you!" Lance laughed, grabbing Minty's hand and pulling her around and into his arms.
"Does this mean that you'll give me what I want?"
"Mmm," he thought for a moment, putting his chin on her shoulder, "maybe."
"You either do or don't, look, I'll make it easy for you." She straightened up her back and laced her fingers together behind his neck. "Lance McClain, will you marry me a week from now?"
"Oh SNAP," Hunk laughed.
"Damn, she finally asked him," Shiro whistled.
"Is he going to say anything?" Matt whispered to Pidge.
"I don't know, who knows what's going through his head." Pidge replied.
--inside Lance's head--
"Lance McClain, will you marry me a week from now."
~Oh, crap... I never thought about it before now, I mean... We'd kind of talked about having kid's. Sort of, I told her I want a lot of kids and she wrote that she wanted 25. But marriage is a different thing altogether. Just tell her you'll think about it. Actually... Say yes. But be cool about it, you've got this.~
-outside of Lance's head-
"Lance," Minty whispered worriedly, "if you don't want to-" She was interrupted by his kissing her.
"I will absolutely marry you! You beautiful, beautiful woman!" Lance practically screamed. ~Smooth stupid.~ Lance thought to himself.
"Awww," Pidge cooed.
"Will there be a reception?" Matt asked Pidge.
"Actually no, the caterer and everything cancelled at the last minute due to a galactic storm!" Pidge laughed, she was planning on just finding a quiet corner and reading.
"So, no reception?" Keith clarified, a mischievous smile on his lips.
"There is no reception for this wedding. Hey, what're you doing?!" Pidge yelled, as Keith picked her up and began walking away.
He merely looked down at her and smiled.
"Oh," she blushed, brushing a stray hair back into place.
"Ow-Ow!" Miya howled.
"What are you doing?" Lance asked, clueless as ever.
"Lance, Keith is..." Hunk whispered, feeling it was taboo to talk about it aloud.
"You asked!"

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