Don't Eat Electricity

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                 --A month later --
"Keith! Wake up, buddy." Lance sighed, shaking Keith's shoulder. He had fallen asleep on the counter in the kitchen.
"What?" Keith yawned.
"How much sleep did you get?" Lance asked, leaning against the wall opposite of Keith.
"What day is it?"
"Crap," Keith groaned, putting his head on the counter. "Uh... Five?"
"Five hours or five minutes?"
"Just five. I-i don't know. It was rough, Pidge's sense of smell is really sensetive right now, and I was helping Hunk detail Yellow, so I-"
"You come back smelling like paint fumes."
"Well, that's bound to change in a week or two," Lance sighed. Keith hadn't noticed this before but he was reading a book titled, 'Pregnancy: the longest Odyssey.'
"Firstly, what are you talking about? And secondly, why are you reading a pregnancy book?" Keith asked, staring at Lance with tired eyes.
"I was curious, and to answer the other question, you're about to hit the second trimester."
"How does that change how much we sleep?"
"Well, she'll be able to stand the smell of you, a little bit too much." Lance put the book down in front of Keith, who began reading it.
"Oh dear."
"That's right." Lance whispered, as Pidge walked in and sat down next to Keith.
"Did you sleep well?" Lance inquired of Pidge.
"Ugh... No, did you?"
Minty behind Lance and he jumped, "HEY," he blushed, receiving a mischievous smile. "Yeah, I slept well."
"That's nice," Pidge yawned.
Minty stared at the two of them, she was draining a pot of some swirling effervescent blue liquid. "Lance, will you hold this strainer still?"
"Sure," he smiled, lending her a hand. His eyes widened when he saw what was in the pot. "You're making those things again?"
"Yeah, they aren't illegal, they just have... Side effects people should know about." Minty sighed, rinsing off the brilliant blue gumball-sized spheres.
"Like if you take two within forty-eight hours, you're heart will explode?!"
"Pssh, you're such a drama queen, besides I adjusted the formula since..." She looked at Keith. She pulled two of the spheres out of the strainer and took them over to Keith and Pidge, "open up."
Keith was too tired to resist so he chewed the pill, "they still taste like electricity," he yawned, slowly perking up.
"What is it?" Pidge stared at the orb.
"An energy pill."
"Oh, ok," Pidge yawned, sucking the pill out of Minty's hand.
"Weird... But... You know what, compared to what my other friends would do, that was normal."
"You had weird friends," Lance whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Yeah, but I love 'em."
At that moment Pidge's pill kicked in. Where Keith's moved him to his normal energy level, Pidge's shot her into overdrive.
"Wheee," Pidge smiled as she spun her chair.
"Uh-oh." Keith looked scared, real scared.
"Keith, w-why are you scared?" Lance stammered, staring at him.
"Last time she did that, I ended up with a nasty scar. It'd be best if you guys just kept your distance."
Minty bagged the rest of the spheres and shoved them in her pocket. Lance grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto the floor with him.
"What are you doing?!" Minty whispered, seeing that he was trying to hide.
"Keeping you safe," he whispered, opening the large vent that he tended to escape through.
"How are you sure I'll fit in that?"
"Just trust me!" Lance growled. Minty decided to take a leap of faith and slid down the tunnel, Lance slid in after her and closed the vent behind them.

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