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Pidge was running up and down the hallways with buckets and all kinds of things she found. Keith was trying to make sure no fires were started this time around. Pidge finally tried to run past him with a box of matches.
"Ah," he picked her up and took the matches, "nooo, not this time, not again."
"Ugh, you never let me have any fun!" Pidge groaned, becoming limp in his arms.
"Are you saying I'm not fun?"
"Totally not fun."
"I am buckets of fun! Oodles of it even!" Keith scoffed in disbelief.
"Prove it."
At that moment, the greatest series of pranks ever was set in motion.

"Have you seen Pidge or Keith?" Shiro asked Miya who was walking with him to the arboretum.
"Not since yesterday, why?"
"I have a strange feeling that things will be a lot more dangerous around here."
"Danger is fun!" Miya whooped, spinning down the hallway.
- down the hallway -
"Shh, Pidge stop giggling." Keith smiled, pressing her further against the wall. He tied the end of the taut wire to the eye-peg on the floor. They were in a four way hallway, Pidge and Keith were hiding in the horizontal hallway and Shiro and Miya were coming towards the trap in the vertical hallway. "Do you have the camera set up?"
"Of course I do." Pidge whispered, shooting him a mischievous smile.
"Good, then we are all ready."
Shiro and Miya were just a few feet from the trip wire. Shiro touched it first, he looked up at the ceiling.
"Who cut a slit in the ceiling?"
The pulling of the trip wire cut the string that was holding back Keith's knife, shooting it across a series of balloons tied just inside the ceiling, then the sword fell onto the button just inside the wall that shot off the small explosives on the floor. The balloons and explosives were each filled with a pound of the finest glitter known to man. You could never truly say you were glitter free.
"OK, WHO DID THIS?" Shiro yelled, spitting out a mouthful of glitter. Miya merely laughed, shaking off most of the glitter that covered her.
"CAN WE DO THAT AGAIN?!" Miya was absolutely ecstatic about this, it was brilliant.
"We gotta get outta here," Keith whispered, closing the vent and putting his knife in his belt. "Hop on."
"You are fun!" Pidge smiled, climbing onto his back as they ran down the hallway.
When they made it all the way past the medbay, Keith collapsed and laughed hysterically.
"That was great!" Pidge laughed, sitting up cross legged.
"Wanna see more?" Keith inquired looking up at her with starry eyes.
"Oh gosh yes."

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