Bad Timing

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"Will you marry me?" Pidge asked, as they were on a mission.
"What?!" Keith screamed in response, this was a complete shock.
"Does that mean no?" Pidge asked sadly.
"Why are you asking right now?!" Keith growled as he stabbed through a Galran droid, separating it from his sword with a kick.
"I don't know! We've been dating for a while and I was wondering if it was going to go anywhere!" Pidge screamed in reply as she was hacking the Galran system.
"Pidge, we already live together!" Keith sighed, continuing to slice through the droids.
"Living on the same space ship DOES NOT COUNT!"
"Well, why do you want to get married?!"
"BECAUSE I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!" Pidge screamed angrily, pressing a button that shut down the remaining droids.
"What?" Keith asked softly, turning to look at her.
"I said I love you," Pidge whispered, shutting down the rest of the system.
"P-Pidge! I..." Keith sighed, "we need to go."
Pidge tried to stand, but collapsed immediately.
"Pidge!" Keith picked her up and ran down the path leading back to his lion. "Red, we need to go... NOW!" Keith yelled, as they shot through space. "What could be wrong?!" He examined Pidge, who was unconscious in his lap. He gently turned her head to find a small needle and tube stuck in her neck. "Pidge, if you survive this... I promise, I'll marry you." Keith whispered, gently removing the needle.
"That's good," Pidge yawned.
"What the heck Pidge! I thought you were dying!" Keith screamed, shoving her onto the floor.
"It must have been a knock out dart," Pidge whispered, picking up the needle.
A few minutes of silence passed before Pidge said anything. "D-did you mean what you said?" She fiddled with her thumbs, avoiding eye contact.
He snapped his head to the side to look at her, she was worried.
"Y-yeah, that's not just something people say," he sighed.
"So, you will marry me?"
"Uh... yeah, I will."
She kissed him on the cheek, making him laugh.

"So, wait," Lance smiled at Pidge as he sat between Hunk and Shiro on the couch. "You two are engaged?!" Lance squealed.
"Oh! It'll be such a beautiful wedding!" Hunk smiled.
"Are you guys sure you're ready for this?" Shiro asked, leaning forward.
Pidge and Keith looked at each other for a moment.
"Ok then, what do you want us to do?" Shiro smiled.
"Lance is in charge of decor and apparel." Pidge smiled, pulling a list out of her pocket. "Hunk is in charge of baking, Shiro is in charge of getting everybody's parents and he's just generally in charge."
"PIDGE, I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!!" Lance cackled happily.
"Any specific theme?" Hunk asked, writing what the plan was on his arm.
"Funny you should say that," Keith whispered, pulling a binder out from behind Pidge.
"Where'd you get this?" Lance asked, grabbing the cherry red binder from Keith's hands and opening it up. On the inside cover was a note that read:
"Keith's future wedding plan, created at age 12 with the help of mom."
"Dude..." Lance whispered tapping on Hunk's shoulder.
"Aww... wait... oh... well now my heart hurts!" Hunk cried.
"I know right? Dem feels..."
"I think we'll pretty much follow the plan that this outlines," Pidge smiled, climbing onto Hunk's shoulders as they and Lance left the living room.

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