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A week later, the dress was finished, the suits were started, the cake had been picked, and Shiro had developed an effective system to deal with the amount of people who were going to be staying on the ship until after the wedding.
"Did you tell them we're coming?" Shiro asked, he was piloting the pod that was going down to pick up Pidge's mom, Keith's family, and Shiro's sisters.
"Yeah, I called them," Pidge smiled. She and Keith were sitting up at the front of the shuttle.
"Should... I be freaking out?" Keith whispered, unsure of how he should feel.
"I don't know, you've got weird circumstances," Pidge sighed as the pod landed in front of Shiro's home. "Come on, let's go greet them." Pidge smiled, grabbing his hand and leading him to the doorway.
Silently the bay doors opened, revealing a set of Japanese twin girls, a set of triplets, one of the girls from the garrison, and standing up front, a young teenager with long black hair, honey colored eyes, sharp ears, and purple tinged skin.
"Keith?" The honey eyed girl smiled, dropping her bag.
"Miya?" Keith asked, unsure of who he was talking to exactly.
"KEITH!!!" She screamed happily, running up and picking him up in a tight hug. "Oh, hiya handsome," she smiled, seeing Shiro standing behind Keith.
The twins walked up to Shiro and whispered, "if you ever scare us like that again," they pulled out a set of matching switch blades.
"Ransa, Shinju, Miya, Aodh, Fintan, Sorcha, how are you?" Shiro smiled warmly at everybody.
"We're fine," the triplets smiled, throwing their bags into the overhead.
"Absolutely fantastic," the twins smiled wickedly.
"So, who are you getting married to?" Sorcha piped up.
"Who do you think?" Keith smiled, turning around in his chair. The triplets thought together for a moment. They pointed to Matt, who was co-piloting for Shiro.
"WHAT?! NO! I'm marrying Pidge because I LOVE HER. HER, that's a feminine term." Gesturing exasperatedly towards Pidge.
"Well HE looks like HER!" Sorcha scoffed.
"Is this...?" Miya slithered up to Pidge and took off her glasses. "Katie Holt?! The notebook came true!"
Loudly, Shinju and Ransa screamed, "OTP HAS GONE CANNON!!!!!"

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