3 is the best number

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---3 months later---
"Sarge, are you sure you're feeling okay?" Keith whispered to Pidge, holding her hair back.
"Y-yeah, I must have eaten something." She sighed.
"If you're sick I can reschedule helping Hunk detail yellow."
"No, I'm fine, really, I just need to talk to someone people today." Pidge smiled nervously.
"Are you sure?"
"One hundred percent."
"Ok then, I'll see you later," he sighed, grabbing his jacket, and walking out.
She picked up the phone and called Lance.
"Hey, yeah, good morning. Listen, can you come down to my room?"
"Right now?" Lance asked, pulling the pin out of his mouth and pushing it into the fabric for Miya's wedding dress.
"Yes, right now! Hey and... Could you bring some pickles?"
"Umm, yeah, I'm on my way and I'll grab you some pickles... You strange, strange child."
"Thanks," she hung up and sighed. Then she opened the drawer next to her bed and pulled out a small box.

"Pidge? It's Lance, I have the pickles." Lance knocked on her door holding a large jar filled with kosher dills.
"Oh good, come on in, I need moral support." She opened the door and shut it behind him.
"Pidge, what's going on?" He asked, sitting on her bed and opening the jar.
"Well, we'll see in about..." She looked at her watch, "twelve minutes."
"See what?" Lance pulled a pickle out and chomped on it. "And why did I bring pickles? I thought you hated pickles."
"I do, but they smell really good right now, which is weird because everything has smelled absolutely awful."
A quick thought popped into Lance's head, ~ask how her mornings have been.~ "How was your morning?"
"For like the past month terrible, I have been sick as a dog every morning for the last two months. I'm pretty sure I have food poisoning or something."
"Pidge," he looked more sober than he ever had before, "are we waiting on pregnancy tests?"
"Yeah, my mom said I should just in case. Oh, they should be done." Pidge said, jumping off the bed and walking over to the sink. She turned around, slowly walked back, and flopped face down onto her bed.
Lance taking this as a bad sign stood up and looked on the sink. "Oh dear, how are you gonna tell him?"
"I don't know, I've never done this before!" Pidge groaned, sitting up and eating more pickles.
"Do you want me to plan it?" Lance offered, smiling sweetly at her.
"Omigosh, would you?"
"Yes, here's the plan..."

--7 PM, the same day --
Everybody was gathered in the living room, Lance had a bucket of balloons, a pin cushion full of pins on his wrist, and a big smile. Pidge looked worried, but everybody was bemused as to why they were brought together.
"We are going to play a game," Pidge smiled, finally pushing down the fear.
"That's what we're here for? A game?" Keith stared at Pidge with an amused smile.
"Yes, an important game. Everybody will be given a balloon please, wait for further instruction." Lance handed out the balloons, Shiro was given a black one, Miya purple, Hunk yellow, Ransa orange, Coran teal, Allura pink, Pidge green, Matt gold, Minty white, Lance blue, Shinju gray, and Keith red.
"These have been numbered one through eleven. Everybody will be given a pin and when you pop your balloon, in numbered order, you will read the paper inside aloud." Lance smiled, handing everybody a sewing pin. "Don't pop your balloon until after the person before you has read their paper! I think Ransa goes first."
She popped her balloon, which caused glitter to fly everywhere. "Lance, did you fill them all with glitter?"
"Ok then," she picked up her paper and read it aloud, "'Keith.'"
"'You,'" Shiro read his paper aloud.
"'Will,'" Miya smiled.
"'Never,'" Matt sighed.
"'Guess,'" Allura beamed.
"'What,'" Coran twirled his mustache.
"'I,'" Lance read.
"'Found,'" Shinju smiled.
"'out,'" Minty laughed.
"'today,'" Hunk stared at Keith.
Keith stared at his balloon, number ten. He popped it and what he found surprised him. It wasn't a paper.
Pidge popped her balloon and read the last slip of paper, "'surprise.'"
Keith sat in silence, picked up the object in his lap and stared at it. He looked up at Pidge.
"What? What is it?" Miya whispered, looking over Keith's shoulder.
"Pidge," Keith's voice cracked, "i-is this for real?"
"Yeah..." she bit her lip, this was what she was afraid of.
Shiro noticing the change of Pidge's mood sat next to Keith and looked at the pregnancy test. "Dang."
"Wooh, brother got it good!" Miya whistled, giving him a high five.
"Heh," Keith burst out laughing.
"Are you ok?" Pidge asked, she was legitimately terrified right now. Did he even want kids? She didn't know, they'd never talked about it!
"Oh, Pidge," he sighed, as he wiped away a tear of laughter. He sat in front of her and cupped her face with his hands, he smiled warmly, "hey, I don't think I've ever been more excited for anything in my entire life."
"Really?" She rubbed his ears with her fingers.
"Absolutely," he whispered, kissing her.
"I ship it so freaking hard," Minty sighed.
"You're so weird," Lance laughed.

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