-Chapter 05-

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"That's tight!"

"It has to be tight. Or they'll come undone again."

"God this is tighter than a corset on an anorexic!"

"Shut up so I can work, Aaron."

"Fine... ow... ow ow ow oW OW OW OW OW STOP STOP STOP-"

King finished up with the stitches and smiled at his work. It looked professionally done, and there didn't seem to be any problem besides the soreness Aaron felt in his upper chest from it ripping open in the first place. Speaking of which... King snapped, "You wouldn't be in so much pain if you hadn't gone into the vent in the first place." Aaron rolled his eyes and put his shirt back on, tightening the tie and ignoring everything King told him. The only thing he focused on was the orders, and he did just that. First job was to...

"Wait you want me to what?" Aaron questioned, turning around and staring at the king in confusion. King rolled his eyes and stepped closer.

He ordered, "I want you to go to the chef and tell him he's in charge of you for today. You don't need to know how to cook, he'll find some use for you." Aaron stared at him for a moment before turning away and making his way to the kitchen. He had only been in the kitchen one other time and that was for when he was being shown around. From what he had seen the chefs weren't exactly... friendly looking. The kitchen was a mess too, not very clean. In all honesty it made him wanna vomit.

Aaron stepped in and made eye contact with the chef. He was tall, buff, not exactly the most handsome. In his hand was a shining, large butcher knife. Aaron didn't dare look over the pile of meat to see what he was hacking at. "Th-The king sent me... He... s-said that you're in charge of me for t-today..." The chef slowly grinned and stabbed the knife into the cutting board.

"Come on in," He called. The chef's voice was rough and scratchy like he had smoked a bit too much in his time. He was much older than Aaron, maybe George Washington's age or older. There was a bit of grey in his hair near the top of his head that Aaron kept looking at. It looked so... scary for some reason. Everything about this chef was scary for some reason. The way he smiled oh so friendly at Aaron was scary. But, he stepped further inside the kitchen and shut the door behind him, leaning against it.

The chef walked to the other door near his side of the room and opened it up, pulling out a bucket and a large sponge. He went to the sink and filled the bucket up with hot water. Aaron could see the steam above the water and tried to focus on its movements. It didn't look to hot, but not room temperature either. When he chef handed him the supplies he snapped, "Scrub the floor. You aren't allowed to stop until I can see my reflection, got it?" Aaron stuttered out a yes sir and got on his knees with the supplies. He held back some rude comments, almost scared of what the chef would do if he talked back. The chef watched him for a few seconds before going back to his cooking, still glancing at Aaron as he worked.

After a few minutes the chef snapped, "You missed a spot, rat." Aaron didn't answer and learned his mistake within three seconds. The chef marched over and kicked him, causing him to fall a bit and hold his chest in pain. Aaron yelped in pain, suddenly scared to death for his life. He kicked Aaron in the face, almost breaking his nose and snapped louder, "Answer me when I'm talking to you are we clear?"


"Yes, SIR."

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

The chef went back to his counter and went back to work and chopping whatever fucking meat that is. Aaron looked back at the floor and continued scrubbing, his hands shaking as he worked. He couldn't believe he was even thinking it, but he wouldn't mind being back with King George. A shiver ran through his body as he looked up to see the chef coming back over. "Stand up. Now." Aaron slowly stood up, dropping the sponge in the bucket. The chef stared at him for a moment before clicking his tongue and nodding.

"You'll do fine."

Aaron gasped as he was pinned against the table with his hands on either side. The chef, who he still did not know the name of, growled and grabbed him through his pants. Aaron gasped and shouted, "N-No wait! P-Please I-"

"You fucking freak where's your dick?" He snapped, shoving a hand in his pants. Aaron's mouth was covered before he could scream for help. The chef harshly smashed their lips together, rubbing him and touching him however he pleased. Tears formed in Aaron's eyes and he tried shoving him away, pushing him away, anything. Thoughts went through his head at lightning speed. Did the king send me here on purpose? Is this asshole going to tell anybody that I'm not fully male? Is he just gonna fuck me and leave me bloody and bruised on the floor?

Before the chef could do anything more, there were a few knocks on the door. The chef pulled completely away from Aaron, wiping his hand on his jeans. Aaron was frozen in that spot, unable to move. His body felt so... awful. Everything felt awful. Aaron slowly looked at the door and mumbled, "Please..." That was the only word his mind could process.

King George stepped inside and smiled. "I'll take him back now. I actually need him for some other things. The ballroom floor isn't going to clean itself." Aaron took a deep breath and walked to King George, quickly standing close to him and keeping his eyes on the floor. Once King was done talking to the chef (which took about ten minutes) he walked with him to the ballroom, showing no emotion on his face.

Aaron could still feel the chef's lips, chapped and disgusting in every way. He could feel the way there were certain cuts here and there in the bottom lip. He didn't want to know how they got there or who or what put them there. Aaron let out a shaky breath when King began talking to him. "So," He asked, "What did he do to you?" Aaron tensed up and stared him, suddenly wondering if his first thought had been true. His fears were put to rest when the king continued. "Scrubbing the floors? Gutting an animal? Skinning an animal?!" Aaron looked away.

He couldn't find his voice. The words were all stuck in his throat, being held back by an electric fence of fear and worry. If the electricity turned off now all of the burnt up, ruined words would be let out. Aaron was so afraid to shut the power off. He had to keep the fence up. The fence wasn't put up by him, but Aaron couldn't seem to find out what exactly put it up and turned it on.

"Aaron. Answer." King snapped, looking at him. Aaron mumbled an apology.

He answered quietly, "He just had me doing some simple... s-s-scrubbing, i-i guess." King nodded and they walked in silence. Aaron felt like he was drowning in the silence. It was getting into the power system, causing it to have shortages and sparks. He desperately wanted his fence to stay up, working perfectly. Aaron felt screaming. He took a few deep breaths and asked very softly, "Y-Your majesty I don't feel very well. Would it be alright if I could head back to my room to rest?"

King huffed and snapped, "Of course not. You have a full day of work to get to. Hell, you only woke up three or four hours ago, yes? You have no reason to be tired now." Aaron was too scared to protest, so he just walked into the ballroom with him. King started giving him instructions on what to do and what to clean, handing him a mop a scrub and a bucket of hot water. Aaron took the supplies and started on the far end of the room, beginning to mop and work.

His insides felt twisted up and his hands were shaking so much. A few minutes after starting he ended up dropping the mop because he couldn't get a tight enough grip on it. His mind was so blank and distracted from the task at hand. Aaron tried to keep working but finally set the stuff down and stood there, his arms limp at his sides. King snapped, "Why did you stop working, hmm? Exhausted from escaping so much, Aaron?" King laughed and picked at the dirt under his nails. "Absolutely worthle-"

He heard a thump and looked up. King gasped at Aaron's shaking body on the floor. He ran across the ballroom and slid on his knees to Aaron, pulling him close. "Aaron, Aaron talk to me what's wrong? Why're you crying? Tell me what's wrong!" Aaron sobbed and cried, his shoulders shaking and his eyes wide with fear. King picked Aaron up bridal style and held him tightly. He huffed, managed to get his cape shawl thing off and wrapped it around Aaron. Aaron muffled his sobs in the king's chest as he was brought to the king's bedroom.

King laid him down in the bed and covered him up, making sure his head was perfectly rested on the silk red pillow. Aaron sobbed and sniffled, still shaking in fear and pain. King whispered, "Aaron... Aaron what can I do for you?" Aaron sobbed and opened his eyes, looking up at king.

He muttered sarcastically, "Kill the fucking chef."

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