-Chapter 07-

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hi just a little a/n here uh I never wanted this book to go on very long so it's definitely going to end soon. Also I'm going to camp next week, check my profile's message board for more details. Alright, continue on.

"So," Aaron mumbled, "I would like it if it were painful. But I don't want to do unto him what he's done to me. Maybe guillotine... Hanging more likely." He was getting a bit lost in talking to himself. Talking about things like death penalties and killing seemed to be... A very horrifically calm thing for him.

King just loved to hear Aaron talk, and hearing him talk about his favorite subject just made his heart flutter like a baby bird in spring. Aaron was looking at a few papers, all talking about the descriptions of the different death penalties.

Burr bit his lip and asked, "You're trailing your hand again, your highness." For the past hour, King George had slid his hand up Aaron's thigh 4 times. This was Aaron's fifth time telling him to stop, but he wouldn't dare yell at the man.

King apologized, "I'm so sorry, Aaron. I know that you're uncomfortable with it, but I can't help but want you~" Burr sighed and tried to stop blushing at the comment. He continued looking through the penalties while King held his hand, giving gentle squeezes when Burr seemed to get tense.

King spoke, "In a few days, the castle is going to be attacked. You'll be staying by my side that day at all times. Unless I tell you otherwise, you're not to leave my side." Aaron looked up from the work in question.

"How do you know you're going to be attacked?" Aaron asked.

King replied, "I received news from one of my spies. The castle will be attacked in a few days by Richard Montgomery and his soldiers." Aaron immediately sat up after hearing the ex lover's name and grew a bit worried.

"He's coming here? Him?" Aaron asked in disbelief. King nodded and Burr continued, "... Can I fight?"

George began to laugh and shook his head. "Of course not!" He replied, "You're the most important person to me. Why would I put you out there were you can fight and get hurt?"

"I'm not a child," Aaron snapped, "you seem to forget I'm not a butler, I'm a soldier. A very well trained one too-"

King slammed his hand on the desk and Aaron shut up. He stood up and growled, "You seem to forget who you're talking to. Montgomery wants you on the front lines, Aaron. As much as I would love to see the shock on his face to see you as a loyalist, I can't afford to lose you."

Aaron growled and stood up. "I'm your butler! What is so important about me?! You can lose me any time and it won't affect you at all!"

King argued, "You're not just another butler, Aaron!"

"Oh right!" Aaron laughed with hatred, "I'm your little prize! Another goddamn thing to hold up and wave in front of Washington and Montgomery's face!"

King marched over to Aaron and grabbed him by his shoulders. He shouted in his face, "I love you! And I am not going to lose you to some American patriot trash! My entire life I have never felt like this with anybody and ever since you came into my life I've felt myself becoming happier! I don't want to be alone again, Aaron! Okay?! Is that what you wanted to hear?! I don't want... I-I..."

Aaron carefully lifted his hand and wiped a few tears from the king's cheek. George sniffled and shoved Aaron away, wiping his own tears with his sleeve. "God," he huffed, "My face is all red and puffy now. Your fault. Your... Your stupid fault, Aaron."

Aaron stayed silent, waiting patiently for George to calm down a little. Once George had stopped crying and was standing straight again, Aaron dropped to his knees. He spoke, "I will stay by your side, My King. I promise. Im sorry I made you cry, your majesty."

King George sighed and took Aaron's hand, letting him stand up. Aaron did so and smiled as his highness kissed his head. "Your apology is accepted, Aaron. But you're my prince, not my knight." George intertwined their fingers together.

Aaron whispered, "But does a prince not become a knight when his King is in danger." He lifted the King's hand and gently kissed the knuckles, closing his eyes.

George nodded. "That's true," he sighed, "But I am not the one in danger. He is only coming here for you, my prince."

Aaron smiled and responded, "Well, he isn't going to be taking me from you any time soon. Even if he drags me by my feet, I will always stay devoted to you, my king."

George pulled Aaron closed and kissed him. Aaron wrapped his arms around George's neck and smiled gently into the kiss. George pulled away for a second and whispered before going back to kissing, "I love you, Prince Aaron."


The entire kingdom had gathered for the brutal, cruel death of the chef. Nobody knew his name, nobody cared about his name. Only one thing mattered when it was time for public death. What was the penalty?

Aaron had decided on hanging. He wanted the chef to suffocate and watch the kingdom smile at his death. It was a bit morbid for him, but guillotine was overrated anyway. So here they all were, gathered in the town square for the death of this disgusting chef.

The chef was trembling a little, but mostly grunting and scowling. King George, in all his glory, was dressed in his best clothes. Aaron Burr was standing in front of him, loyal as ever. He wore a white butlers uniform with red and gold trim. King's outfit was red and gold with white trim, so it was matching Aaron's.

King took Aaron's hand from behind him and whispered softly in his ear, "Would you like to do the honors of kicking the stool away?" Aaron smiled and stepped forward. He looked up at the chef. With an innocent giggle, Aaron kicked the stool away and watched him choke, filled with excitement at the event.

King wrapped an arm around Aaron's waist and kissed his cheek, so happy that his prince was happy. Oh and Aaron was happy alright. He smiled as the chef struggled to push himself up and breathe, and about a minute or so later, the chef was dead.

The light faded from his eyes, and he went limp. His struggling ceased and the crowd cheered sadistically. Aaron sighed, a weight being lifted from his shoulders. King sighed and asked, "How about some tea when we get back to the castle, hmm?" Aaron nodded and they walked back to the carriage.

Once they were inside and they shut the curtains to the carriage windows, King pulled Aaron into his lap and peppered his neck with kisses. Aaron sighed and mumbled, "I love you, my king." George smiled and kissed his nose.

"I love you too, my prince." He whispered, "Always and Forever."

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