-Chapter 06-

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The King stayed by Aaron's side the entire time. He canceled two meetings and rescheduled his relaxing spa treatment to tomorrow. King also ordered the guards to send the chef to the dungeon until further notice. Once he did that he quickly ordered them to gag the man because he was screaming so loud. The king had claimed: "My butler is trying to sleep you idiots."

Meanwhile, back in the colonies, there had been lots of talk about what had happened to Lieutenant Colonel Aaron Burr. General Richard Montgomery had sent his best spies to the other camps only to turn up empty. He sent letters to every trustworthy general in the colonies, and yet Aaron Burr was nowhere to be found. Montgomery even sent a letter to General Andre and still Burr was missing.

Currently, the stressed general was sitting at his desk writing a letter to congress. He wanted to go to Britain to find Aaron. Sure, Richard could send a spy, but he really didn't trust that very much. That, and way deep in his heart, Richard had to find Aaron himself.

"General Montgomery. You have work in the morning." Lee mumbled from the tent flap, General Prescott next to him. Prescott looked tired as ever considering he was being woken up at such a late hour to check on some idiot general. Sure, Prescott was an idiot general too, but at least he went to sleep at a proper hour.

Monty snapped, "Shut up, Lee. I... He's got to be alive somewhere, right? Burr would never die, he doesn't give up like that." Lee rolled his eyes and walked into the tent. He gestured for Prescott to come in too. Prescott gulped and reluctantly walked in as well. Richard set his quill down and watched as General Lee shrugged his coat off and leaned forward on his desk.

"You need to relax," Lee whispered, caressing Monty's cheek. Richard gulped and licked his lips, fiddling with the wedding ring on his finger. "Let me help you." Richard closed his eyes and slouched a bit in defeat. Prescott, once he saw that the plan was in motion, took his jacket off too and began unlacing his boots. Richard opened his eyes and growled a little.



Aaron's head was a throbbing and aching mess. Whenever he looked around, things tended to blur together or spin. So he instead kept his eyes closed, happy with whatever warmth was resting on his hand. Once he heard the familiar clinking noise of the metal of King's rings, he knew what the warmth. Instead of harshly pulling away and scowling as usual, Aaron accepted the contact and let King hold his hand. Only until he fully wakes up.

King whispered, "Are you alright, my handsome prince." Aaron hid his smile but was still happy that King wasn't using female targeted compliments like before. He nodded a little and winced at the migraine in his head.

"I've got a migraine." Aaron mumbled, his voice scratchy and rough. Maybe that was from the sobbing, maybe it was some screaming he doesn't remember. He wasn't sure, and frankly didn't want to know.

King replied, "I sent the guards into town to get you more medicine." He sighed. "What's the ring on your finger if I may ask?"

Aaron replied with salt, "None of your concern," He mocked, "your majesty." Aaron pulled his hand away and was a bit surprised by the whine King let out at the loss. He opened his eyes and looked up at the royalty. King was sitting on the bed next to Aaron, but he was above the blankets while Aaron was beneath them.

King sighed and looked at the window. "It's almost night time. I would have woken you so your sleeping schedule wasn't messed up, but... Well, you looked very peaceful. And I think you needed the sleep. Escaping takes a lot out of you, huh?" Burr chuckled a little.

"How would you know?" He mumbled.

King answered, "I've escaped a place before. Many times actually. Usually this castle whenever assassins show up about once a month or two."

"Wait what do you mean-"

"Never mind that though! We need to discuss the death penalty!"

Aaron froze. He paled as King stood up and began walking to the door. Aaron was out of his bed immediately and dropping to his knees before King George. He began rambling, "I-I'm sorry that I freaked out while I was working and I slept all d-day and got nothing done I know I shouldn't have been s-s-so childish please don't sentence me to death I promise you I'll do b-better your highness I'll never back talk you again I-I swear on my life I won't I'm so sorry-"

King interrupted, "It's not your death sentence, Aaron. Please calm down... Oh my god..." He got on the ground and tilted Aaron's head up. He smiled and kissed his head. "I would never hurt you my pet." Aaron relaxed a little, and his face was now a deep shade of red. King giggled and stood up. Aaron shakily stood up as well, realizing how weak he was at the moment.

He leaned on the dresser for support, whimpering a little at the migraine in his head. King carefully picked Aaron up, holding him to his chest and peppering his face with kisses. The young butler gladly accepted the affection and let the King take him back over to the bed. This time, however, King crawled into bed with Aaron and pulled him close to his chest. Of course he was still in full king's uniform though, which was a bit uncomfortable.

Aaron whispered, "Could you... Could you take off your, um..." He blushed and looked away. King smiled and stood up.

"Only if you do too~" He teased, shutting the bedroom door and beginning to undress. King took off his cape first, then his jacket, and then his shoes. He dropped everything on the ground, not bothering to fold anything. Aaron blushed and looked away as the king began to take his pants and briefs off. He got undressed as well, simply shrugging his butler's jacket off and taking the cravat off as well. Next he took his socks off.

Aaron hesitated at the pants not sure what exactly to do. He blushed and gasped as two arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. King was standing behind him with no shirt, just some briefs. Aaron carefully unbuttons his pants, slipping them off and blushing still. He was wearing more feminine underwear that day, mostly just because he liked the way they fit on him. Aaron had never been planning on having anybody see them.

"You look adorable in those, my prince." King whispered, placing a gentle kiss to the back of his neck. Aaron blushed and turned around to meet his king's eyes. "Who's ring?" King whispered, taking Aaron's hand and getting a closer look at the ring. There was a signature written on the silver ring, but King couldn't seem to tell who's name it was. The handwriting was chicken scratch to him.

Aaron whispered, "Richard Montgomery."

King gasped dramatically. "Your general? How lewd, Burr!" He giggled and pulled Aaron to the bed, laying down. Aaron sighed and payed down next to him. He was laying a foot away from him, but King didn't like that very much. So king wrapped his legs and arms around Aaron, trapping him in a mandatory spooning session. Aaron sighed and let himself be held.

No point in escaping anyway, he's too strong. Aaron thought, And too beautiful. But that's another story. Dammit, Aaron, stop being so in love with this man. Stockholm syndrome might as well be my middle name at this point.

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