-Chapter 15-

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Alexander and John went down to the dungeons, determined to find out why Aaron was down there. They snuck in and looked around.

"Where do you think he is?" Alex asked John, looking around in the different cells. John shrugged.

He whispered, "You know nobody's around, we could... make out a little." Alex blushed and smiled. He pinned John to the wall and immediately missed him. John kissed back, wrapping his arms around the man's neck.

Aaron, who was in the cell literally a foot away, gagged and snapped, "Could you not have sex right here?!" Alex quickly pulled away from John and smiled.

"Aaron!!" Alex cheered, "What are you doing down here?" Aaron huffed.

He explained, "Fucking Montgomery locked me up down here because I don't love him anymore. I love... the king. I love King George. He kept me in the kingdom and kissed me and cared for me and... he cared..." Alex stared in disgust and disbelief, but John was the opposite. He was excited.

"Aaron!!" John squealed, "We're so happy for you!! Here, let's get you out!!" John got a hairpin out and started picking the lock. Aaron smiled and then gasped.

"Oh! You need to get Samuel out too!"

Alex looked over at Samuels cell and scowled. "He's on the other side! Why should we help him?!" Alex snapped. John glared at Alexander.

"Alex come on," John sighed, "Help me pick these locks, okay?" Alex rolled his eyes and opened up Samuel's cell. He helped the boy up and Samuel looked up at Alex. Sam blinked and his face went a light pink.

"H-hi..." he mumbled. Alex stuck his tongue out and shoved him towards Johm.

Alex sighed, "Alright let's go, I don't wanna get called a traitor either." John picked Samuel up, and Alex helped Aaron stay steady. "Here's what we do," Alex said, "We're gonna bring you two to the docks and hide you. Then me and John are gonna find the king, tell him where you are, and pray he doesn't kill us and hope he believes us. Okay?" They all nodded, except for Samuel who couldn't think straight.

They ran out of the dungeon, trying to get to the docks as fast as possible. Aaron winced as he could feel the dried blood on his chest cracking. He had to take care of his stitches, and maybe this time he could get them professionally done.

They ran to the stables and got on horses. John had Samuel sitting in front of him in order to keep him steady, and Aaron sat behind Hamilton on the other horae. He wrapped his arms around Alex's waist, closing his eyes because of the wind.

"Let's ride!" John laughed as the four rode off to the docks.

King George, just as he arrived at the camp, was almost run over by two horses. He quickly jumped out of the way and fixed his hair. He shouted, "Assholes!" One of the men stopped his horse and looked back.

"MY KING!!" Samuel shouted, his eyes filled with tears of joy. Aaron opened his eyes and looked back. Samuel squirmed out of John's hold and ran to king, but Aaron couldn't seem to move.

Alex and John rode their horses over. King looked up at Aaron, tears in his eyes. He smiles brighrly, ran to him, and pulled him off the horse. He peppered the boy's face with kisses and whispered, "My prince." And only then did Aaron react.

He bursted into tears, sobbing in King George's arms. He begged the man to forgive him for being taken away, and he begged his majesty to love him again and take him back. George sighed and kissed Aaron's knuckles. He noticed the blood on his shirt.

"We'll get you patched up as soon as we get to England." King reassured him, "Now... let's get to the docks. My guards are waiting with a boat." Alex sighed and got back on his horse.

John pulled Alex off.

"Give them the horses," John sighed, "We can walk back to camp and they can go." Alex nodded and handed the horse lead to King.

King asked, "Aaron, can you ride by yourself? I have to carry Samuel." Aaron nodded and got onto a horse. He winced but steadied himself. King got on the other horse and they rode off. John and Alex held hands and walked back to camp.

Aaron stayed near King's horse, trying not to get sidetracked by the man. He was so perfect... even now when they were in such terror... Aaron sighed and spoke, "I love you. I'm so glad that... that you're here."

King smiles and replied, "I was so scared... Montgomery said you were dead."

Aaron snapped, "I hope he dies." King smiled and giggled quietly.

"Oh, he's dead. You think I just let him go after that? Like it I've changed now I would never kill like you do. No, that's bullshit. My guards shot him and we left."

Aaron smiled when they came up to the docks. He stopped the horse and got off, then walked over to King with a smile. George got off his horse and held Samuel in his arms. Over on the dock, the knights were all sitting low in a boat. Samuel sniffled as they went and got in.

The knights laid Samuel down on a blanket, carefully taking care of the wounds he had. Aaron sat next to King, cautious and hesitant to say or do anything. They untied the boat and began rowing.

King took Aaron's hands in his own and whispered, "You're not to leave my sight ever again, understood?" Aaron nodded with a bright smile. He was happy to hear that familiar commanding tone.

"I won't leave aga-" Before Aaron could finish king hugged him tightly. Sniffles were heard from the poor man as he held the boy in his arms, scared that he might disappear into thin air. "George," Aaron sighed, "I'm here... I'm safe now... you saved me, okay?"

King George sniffled and pulled away. He wiped his eyes and took a deep breath. "My prince... My gorgeous prince..." They hugged once more, and stayed that close to each other until the end of the journey.

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