-Chapter 14-

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King George III and his knights slaughtered every single person in their path. Every soldier was killed, their throats slit in order for the death to be quick and silent. King did most of the killing, trying his best not to scream out at every soldier he recognized from the attack at his kingdom.

They kept going, and eventually managed to get into the camp.

They were spotted immediately, and king shouted a battle cry as he threw himself into the fight. The knights all said he should have stayed at the boat, but he refused.

Montgomery was holding Aaron back, trying to get him onto a horse and out of the camp. "YOU IDIOT!" Monty shouted, "HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU! HE JUST WANTS TO HURT YOU! STOP STRUGGLING!"

Aaron screamed, "LET ME SEE HIM! HE LOVES ME! HE CAME HERE TO SAVE ME!" Richard covered his mouth and forced a wad of cloth into his mouth. He then wrapped another thing of cloth around his mouth, finally shutting him up. Lee helped him pin Aaron down and they managed to tie his hands behind his back.

Aaron still struggled, but you could barely hear his screams. Lee kicked his stomach and chest, and Aaron swore he heard a crack. He could feel his stitches ripping as well, and he panicked as blood soaked through his shirt.

"Freak!" Lee shouted, slapping him, "Thats all you fucking are, Veronica!!" Aaron sobbed, tears forming in his eyes.

King and his guards marched to the middle of the field, having murdered almost all of the soldiers there. He screamed at the camp, "BRING ME MY BUTLER YOU SCUM!"

Richard froze and covered Lee's mouth so he would shut up. He whispered quietly, "We need to get him out of here. Now." Lee nodded and grabbed Aaron. He dragged him out the back of the tent and to a horse. Forcing Aar on into his lap once Lee was on, he quickly rode off into the woods.

Richard stepped out of his tent with his musket and sword. "Your butler isn't here, your oh gracious fucking majesty." He pulled Aaron's ring out of his pocket and tossed it into the dirt. "He's dead. We murdered him the day after we brought him here."

King's eyes went wide for a moment or two, and he almost lost the trip on his sword. But the man quickly straightened his posture and growled. "Knights, keep your musket's aim on this man and don't let him move. I'm checking the tents. Shoot him if he moves one muscle."

King then began searching each and every tent, making sure Aaron wasn't being hidden. Once every tent was checked he went back to his knights and gave a short nod. The lead knight aimed her pistol and shot General Richard Montgomery in the neck.

They quickly rode off on the camp horses. King ordered that they head West, as that was where the closest other camp was. Rather than barging in and fighting though, they planned on simply sneaking and looking for the boy themselves.

Aaron, who was now tied to a post outside a tent, was squirming and wiggling in his binds. Charles was inside the tent, talking to General Washington about the blood bath that just occurred at General Montgomery's camp.

Washington sent scouts out to search for the supposed band of redcoats. He only sent a few though, considering Lee's story was unbelievably pathetic. "Sir," Charles asked, "Where should I put the traitor?"

Washington sighed and answered, "Send him to the dungeon area where we keep the other prisoners of war. But treat him kindly and carefully from now on. He looks like a mess." Washington fixed Lee's cravat and smiled. "Go ahead and take the tent to my left. Make yourself comfortable."

Lee smiles brightly and went outside. He grabbed Aaron by his wrists and dragged him off. Aaron squirmed around and struggled, screaming into the gag for help. A few soldiers saw the struggle, but all they did was laugh a little or look away like it was nothing.

John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton were walking back to their tents after there... break from training. John stopped and stared at Aaron, not even recognizing the soldier at first. Alexander gasped and covered his mouth.

"Is that Aaron?" John asked quietly, tugging on Alex's arm. Alex nodded slowly and huffed.

He spoke quickly and quietly, "Something's not right here. Let's talk to Aaron later, kay? But first let's, uh, let's get cleaned up, yeah?" John blushed darkly and rushed off to their shared tent.

Lee tossed Aaron into a cell and locked it shut. He snickered, "Look at you. Just pathetic and lying here. So worthless, Veronica. Aaron squirmed in the bonds and had managed to get the gag out.

"FUCK YOU, CHARLES LEE! GO TO HELL!" Aaron screamed, still struggling and thrashing as if he were on fire. Charles laughed and walked off, back to the above ground. Aaron screamed with rage and kicked.

"Calm down!"

Aaron looked at the cell across from him in confusion. He blinked. "Samuel?" He asked scooting closer to the bars. "Samuel Seabury? What are you doing down here?!"

Samuel laughed and scooted closer to the light. Aaron winced. His entire face and body was heavily bruised, and his hair was caked with dry blood. Samuel's eye was swolen shut and purple, and his other eye was red like he had been crying.

"Well, I uh," Samuel coughed, "I was looking for a soldier that had been reportedly shot in the woods! But i got too close to enemy lines." Aaron nodded a little.

Aaron huffed and explained, "King is here. In the country. In this state. He's looking for me. I need to get out of here and find him. Any ideas on escaping?"

Samuel grabbed the bars above him and pulled himself up. His legs were shaky and wobbly as if he were a newborn, and every movement looked strained.

"I-I think I can unlock the doors. But," Samuel winced, "I'm too weak." Aaron sighed and leaned his head against the bars.

"And I'm tied up," Aaron muttered, "So there's no way out. Great." Samuel fell back on the floor of the sell, yelping a little.

Samuel mumbled, "I'm sorry."

Aaron muttered, "It's fine. We'll just have to wait and hope for the best I guess." Samuel nodded and closed his eyes, trying to catch some sleep.

And so they waited.

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