-Chapter 11-

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Aaron was panting, on his hands and knees on the cold dirt floor of Richard's tent. He had put up a pretty big fight trying to get out of there and to some familiar, more friendly face. But Montgomery had a tight hold, even when he had been sleeping. Burr had gotten caught before he could even get out of bed.

Richard had accidentally tackled Aaron onto the ground, trying to pin him down so he could tie him up again. It was obviously a mistake to ever untie him. Aaron was still brainwashed, he couldn't be let out for awhile.

Aaron had bit down on Richard's wrist, drawing blood just like last time. Monty had punched him in response. Five times. Aaron, thanks to quick thinking, pulled the knife from Richard's coat pocket and stabbed him in the shoulder.

Montgomery had yelped in pain and gotten off of Aaron. "LEE!" Richard had shouted, "GET IN HERE AND RESTRAIN BURR!"

Charles had run in after a few moments and managed to wrestle the knife away from Aaron and get him pinned down. The two generals had beaten Aaron to pulp, causing him to bleed and bruise all over his body.

So here Aaron was, whimpering a little and mumbling curses under his breath. Richard snapped, "You're going to be obedient you little bitch! If you keep acting like this I won't hesitate to throw you in the cells with the rest of the red coats! Oh and I'll make sure they rip you to fucking shreds!" Charles placed a hand on Richard's shoulder.

"Deep breaths," He muttered, "Relax for me. He's just a fucking wimp, he can't do any more harm than this, Richard." Aaron stared for a moment and watched as Richard smiled softly at Charles. He recognized that smile, and the way his eyes shined with affection. But Aaron had just never seen that look directed at anybody but himself.

Aaron growled, "So how long has that been going on, huh? How long have you two had this disgusting little affair?" Richard sighed and walked up to Aaron. He kicked him in the face, causing the weaker to yelp in pain and curl up in a ball.

"Three months. And frankly it's been a better three months than the two years that I've spent with you, Veronica." Aaron's eyes shot open and he looked up in horror at hearing that name.

He sobbed out, "Don't call me that!" Richard smirked.

"Veronica. Veronica, Veronica, Veronica, Veronica, VERONICA! That's your name, Veronica! You know why?"


"Because you're a girl! A girl that's all fucked up in the head and thinks that she's something else! God, I wouldn't be surprised if you were just faking it just to get into the war. You just came here to be a personal slut to all the generals, right?"

Aaron sobbed and curled up into a tighter ball. He ran out of things to yell at Richard and he was tired of fighting. If Montgomery wanted to throw him in the dungeon, fine. If he wanted to go fuck with Charles Lee, fine. If he wants to expose him to everybody in the colonies, fine. Aaron was done putting up a fight.

Richard, once he saw this, calmed down a little and picked him up. He held him bridal style and brought him to the bed. "Are you going to behave?" Monty snapped. Aaron nodded a little and sobbed hopelessly as Richard tucked him into bed and kissed his head.

"I love you," Richard whispered, "But I'm going to discipline you if you misbehave, Aaron." Oh now he calls me by my name. Aaron thought coldly. He watched Richard leave the tent after putting his boots and jacket back on, Charles following behind him.

Charles stopped in the midst of leaving and looked back at Aaron with a cold glare. "He may want you alive, but I'm killing you the first chance I get, Veronica." He snapped. Aaron whimpered and hid his face in the blankets.

He whispered quietly to himself, "I miss you so m-much, George."


George felt cold, even though he was under several blankets and was drinking tea. Samuel even said that his body was extremely hot, and he was even sweating a little. But no matter how hard George tried, he couldn't explain to Samuel how he was cold.

It wasn't normal temperature and it wasn't in the tone of his voice, it was more in his heart. He felt cold and empty, like something was wrapped around his heart and organs and bones.

Something on the inside that was making him weaker every second. He had felt this before, a long time ago before he even knew about Aaron. This wasn't just average sadness or even depression. This was hell.

King whimpered and curled up into a tighter ball. His instincts were kicking in, and something was terribly wrong. But he couldn't do anything, Samuel wasn't in here to help him with anything. He had gone to the doctor for pills and medicine.

George whispered, "Aaron... My sweet prince, please stay strong... I'll find you soon..." He sat up slowly, wincing at the migraine going on in his head.

"I can walk. I can get to the kitchen for some food. I don't need anybody's help." He reassured himself before standing up and leaning on the small table for support.

Carefully, he made his way to the door and tried to open it, only for it to be locked. "You shit," George muttered, taking a bobby pin out of his back pocket. He got on his knees, wincing at how oddly sore he was, and started trying to pick the lock.

Suddenly and swiftly, the door unlocked and opened, hitting George in the nose and knocking him backwards. He growled and looked up at who opened the door. It was one of his knights.

"Your majesty!" The knight gasped, "I'm dearly sorry for o-opening the door against you, um, I just came with some reports." King slowly stood up, holding the knight's arm with a tight grip. The knight winced in pain at his nails but said nothing.

George huffed, "It's fine. The door was locked on my side, I was trying to open it." The knight furrowed her eyebrows and tried the door.

"Your majesty, um, were you pushing or pulling?"

King snapped, "Quiet. Tell me the reports." The knight fixed her posture and nodded.

"The carriage that your butler, Aaron Burr, had been taken in was last seen at the docks. We suspect that they boarded one of the boats and somehow snuck on. Aaron was seen unconscious in General Montgomery's arms as he boarded. We did try to stop them from getting away but the boat was too fast and it was the last one around. I did try swimming so I could board last minute, but I was taken by the waved and almost drowned."

George sighed.

He spoke, "Remind me to give you a promotion, knight. That's impressive. But you're trying to hard as well. But I like it." George sighed and shuffled into the hallway, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

With a yawn he requested, "Gather the best knights and guards we have. We'll leave by boat tomorrow afternoon so we'll arrive when it's dark and nobody will see us arriving. Once we arrive in America we'll gather my best soldiers from all of the camps. Then we'll go to the camp Aaron is being held at. I guarantee we'll find out which camp he's at."

The knight frowned and asked carefully, "And if we don't?"

George stopped in the middle of the hallway. Slowly, his eyes grew cold and he felt dark, more vicious than before. He clenched his fists and snapped, "I'll kill every single American I see." With that he stumbled to his bedroom to get dressed in some more proper clothes. The knight sighed and jogged off to go gather the guards up.

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