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When I woke up I was in a bed that wasn't mine which was in a room that wasn't mine which was also probably in a house that wasn't mine. I sat up slowly and took the blanket off my body. As my feet touched the floor, I winced in pain. My left ankle was wrapped up in a bandage. I could hear voices murmuring outside the door. I attempted to stand up, only to fall completely to the ground. I waited but the voices had stopped. I crawled back into the bed as quickly as I could and let the covers go over my head.

What the hell is going on? Have I been kidnapped? Is this a dream? Please let this be a dream...

The door creaked open and I stopped all my movement. The person who had entered the room sat on the bed making it shift.

"I know it's hard for you, but what if he heard about this too? She can't stay here, Hoseok."

Hoseok? I wanted to wrap my arms around him, let him tell me I'm safe but I would wait until the other woman left.

"I saved her life and I almost recognized what I had sensed. It was her evil out to get this girl. I just don't understand why or how she's even alive..." his hands stroked my arm.

"We're demons. We don't save people. If anything you might have just put her in more danger."

...wait, what?

The bed shifted and Hoseok's voice spoke again.

"Maybe you're right," was what I heard last before the door closed again. I stayed still, processing what I had just heard. The woman in the black dress had said that I had already met a devil before...

Okay, now I know this is a dream. Maybe if I just pinch myself, I'll wake up drunk in my bed back home. I pinched myself, like my mother had, and opened my eyes. To my disappointment, I hadn't moved.

My foot stung as it made contact with the ground and I slowly let it flatten against the carpet. I stood up, a little bit wobbly at first but I was able to walk.

I made it to the door, opening it and peeking my head outside, it was a long dark hallway. I stepped out of the room and wasn't exactly sure where I was going. But I knew that I was just...going.

I looked at my limp, and when I looked back up, my eyes were amazed. There's a boy...talking to a...dragon?

"Stay. No, stay," the boy whispered. The dragon was trying to follow him. The strangest part was that I could've sworn this boy also had a dragon tail, but it was fit for a human. This boy had brown hair and glowing yellow eyes. I prayed the boy wouldn't be walking in this direction, my prayers were answered as he began walking down the other hallway that was in my opposite direction. The dragon took a soft step towards him and he turned around with his finger pointed at the dragon.

"Buddy, I said no. Stella doesn't want you in our room anymore, you shed too much... you know that." He placed his hand against the heart of the dragon where it had a furry chest. The dragon seemed to whimper. It lied down like a dog, smoke coming up from its nostrils as its yellow eyes closed. The stranger resumed walking in the other direction. I walked towards the dragon.

I carefully opened and closed a door that would seem to be too small for the dragon to enter. The only problem now was that there was a different beast in the room I had entered which was the kitchen. A tiger. It looked twice as big as any tiger I had seen before. Luckily it was on a leash.

Suddenly the door loudly opened and closed. I turned around and stood before some sort of ungodly monster. Purple eyes and claws in his knuckles.

The demon looked just as surprised as I did. I turned around, facing the tiger that was now awake, I rushed out through the doors past the creature and couldn't regret my decision more than ever.

A Demon's AngelWhere stories live. Discover now