Flat Tire

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 Lily was lying on my chair in her bedroom, thinking. Since she brought them to the party yesterday, they seem to be getting a little curious; 'Maybe it wasn't a good idea bringing them yesterday. I fear I might've shown a little too much, and Megatron seems curious. I need to be more careful around him.' she thought. She shakes her head as she gets up, leads to the balcony, and looks up at the sunrise. 'Everyone's sleeping right now; no one's up beside me, which is a good thing. I can have peace without any interruptions.' She thought as she watched the sunrise. She returns inside, heads to her closet, and starts picking out her clothes. She strips her sleepwear and hops in the shower letting the warm water run down her back, sending shivers up and down her body.

        Her mind drifts off as she lets the water hit her skin. 'Maybe I should tell now...it'll be easier to get it off my chest. But... it's so sensitive to me, and telling them about it would be hard; what would they think of me when I tell them? Then again, if I do tell them, they all, including the cons and the bots, would be put at risk, but I've lied to them for a while...I've betrayed them. Maybe it's for the best; they don't know.' she thought as she put shampoo and stuff in her hair. When she finished, she hopped out of the shower, dried, and changed into the clothes she had picked.

        After she was finished, she could hear movement upstairs, 'Well, it looks like someone is up and about.'  she shook her head as she dried her hair.

        Megatron was up and about and couldn't sleep, his mind racing with thoughts. He shook his head as he looked out the window at the sunrise. 'Why is it I can stop thinking about that human girl?! What is so special about her that she plagues my thoughts? I don't understand what she has over me; what about her that strikes my interest?' he thinks to himself as he sighs.

        "I guess I'll pay her a visit then," he said as he walked towards Lily's section of the mansion.

        Lily exited the bathroom feeling refreshed as she headed towards another area of her side of the mansion, which was full of artworks, things that she had built like robots, photos on a wall, and blueprints. She looks at the pics of her and her sisters and friends; she sighs as she pulls out a blueprint. She plugged her phone into the speakers and played, turning up the volume on the speakers and blocking out any other sound, including Megatron's footsteps. She smiled and began dancing as she started drawing/sketching out her new project.

        Megatron enters, hearing the music blasting from another room, the room Lily is in, and decides to investigate. Megatron enters the room where Lily is, only to have his jaw drop and eyes go wide; Lily doesn't notice Megatron watching her as she continues to dance and sketch. Megatron saw the blueprint paper but didn't see what she was drawing. Megatron hid in the shadows so she wouldn't see him but was so memorized by her dancing and being so happy he left her and went back upstairs. Lily heard footsteps leaving the room but didn't see the figure leaving.

        Lily shrugged it off and thought it was Rydel. But Rydel doesn't get up this early in the morning, though...then who did...Lily shook it off as she continued sketching her new project. After she finished drawing it, she smiled at it. 'I can't wait to get started! This will be fun, and I hope my friends and sisters like it.'

        Lily takes the blueprint and heads upstairs, where everyone is up and eating parently. Rydel noticed Lily and the blueprint in her hands. "Okay, what are you planning?" she asked Lily.

        Which got the attention of everyone in the room. "That is for me to know and you to never know," I said playfully, grabbing my backpack and heading for the door. "Do you need anything while I'm out? Cause I'll be gone for a while, and I might not be back until later in the day or night."

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