Hospital Visits and Reading Help

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  Its been a long and stressful couple of days for the girls. Today they were gonna visit Hailey in the hospital; Lily was a bit hesitant at first, but Megatron convinced her that it'll be alright. Megatron and Lily grew about 10% close to one another...which is about not much, but its progress! Anyway, Rydel drove them all to the hospital; Lily being nervous and stubborn Megatron had to convince her yet again that everything will be alright. Lily bought some flowers for Hailey and a card...well a makeshift card which made her stay up all night to make and a necklace she made.

        Anyway; they were in Hailey's room. Everyone put flowers, balloons, cards, stuff animals by her bed; Lily was the last to put her card and her gift by her bed. Megatron smiled a bit and put a hand on her shoulder which made her smile. They stayed for an hour to two hours before leaving since it was getting crowded and the doctors needed to do what they do best. The drive home was quiet besides some mumbles here and there; Lily was fiddling with her hair bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep. Megatron looked at her in concern noticing the dark bags under her eyes.

        Megatron pulled her close so that her head was on his shoulder which made Lily blush a bit pink. "What are you doing?" she asked him.

        "I have noticed that you have not slept in the last few days after Hailey was taken to the Hospital. And those dark bags as humans put it, adds to my suspscion. You need to sleep, I'll wake you when we get to the mansion." he told her. Lily was about to agrue, but decided against it knowing it won't get her anywhere. She laid her head back on his shoulder and closed her eyes without hesitation. Megatron smiled a bit; Starscream catching a glimpse of the smile...letting out small smile himself.

        A few hours past as Rydel pulled into the drive of there home. Everyone got out and Megatron shook Lily gently who groaned in response. "Hey, we're here its time to wake up." he spoke softly which is unusual.

        Lily opened her eyes still tired and nods her head as they both unbuckle and got out. Still in a sleepy daze she stumbled a bit yawning. Megatron hid a smirk and helped her so that she wouldn't run into anything and lead her to and inside the house. Lily blushed a bit more pink as he does. "Thank-you," he nods.

        Lily gone back to her side of the mansion. Megatron watched her leave he was going to another room when he over heard Rydel and Max talking.

        "Rydel you heard me, she's been starving herself for the last few days. But I think she hasn't been eating at all! Maybe longer than a few plates of food we gave her. That and she hasn't been sleeping...Rydel we have to face the fact that Lily has slipped deeper into depression. I think Lily is just acting that she is okay and happy, but I believe that there's something she isn't letting up." Max told Rydel who's gaze was on the floor.

        Rydel sighs. "I know...I don't know what to do." Megatron listened to there conversation shock written on his face. 'She's been starving herself....depriving herself of sleep....' he was snapped out of his thoughts as they began talking.

        "I think she might be...falling back into her old habits." Max said sadness in her voice. Rydel eyes widen at what she hears.

        Megatron's breath hitched in his throat. 'Old habits? What old habits?? Has she done this before?' He thought as he leaves not hearing the rest of the conversation between the two and gone towards Lily's side of the mansion. 'Lily has some explaining to do...'

        Optimus was quite worried not only for Hailey, but for Megatron and Lily. He smirked at the thought of them, 'They would make a cute couple...they seem made for each other...' his thoughts fell on Hailey. 'I hope Hailey wakes up from her coma...' Optimus thought as he goes and checks up on his fellow bots. His thoughts still on Hailey.

        Rydel walked out of the kitchen and towards her room. When she entered she froze seeing Shockwave in her room looking at some of her science awards. He must of noticed caused he turns towards her. "Sorry for entering without permission. Your door was open when I was walking and got a glimpse of these," gestures to her science awards, cerificates, trophy's, etc. (And whatever you win at Science fairs).

        Rydel nodded her head. "No need to be sorry." she smiled at him as she walks in as he nodded his head.

        "May I ask you something..." he asked Rydel who nodded her head once more. "What's troubling you? You seem...not yourself." he pointed out which made her sigh.

        She shuts the door so know one will listen; she already knew Megatron was listening in on hers and Max's conversation. "Well its about seems that she has fell back into old habits of hers and I fear for her."

        Shockwave nodded his head. "And what kind of old habits are you speaking of?" Rydel sigh and explained to him what she means. Shockwave nods a bit shock but doesn't show it. "Why is she depressed?"

        "That is a question that has multiple answers. Max believes because she had her heart broken by Thomas, Hailey thinks that the death of our parents caused her depression...." she paused which made Shockwaves eye soften.

        "And what do you think?" he asked her.

        "I think she's lonely and that she's trying to find her other half...though I think that every time she thinks that she has found what's she's looking for....but finds the wrong thing every time. She had her heart broken more than once; and when Thomas broke it....I think she lost herself and stopped looking. And that after what Thomas did I think it struck her hard and after that...." Rydel paused.

        "A logical assumption; something that may defy logic, but it is still logical." Shockwave stated putting a hand on her shoulder. "There might be something we could do to help her; call it Project Lily." Rydel smiled.

        Max was sitting in her bedroom after her talk with Rydel. She tossed a ball into the air as she catches it the wreckers walked in which made her look at them. "What?"

        "We're just wondering what your up to." Wheeljack said leaning against the door frame.

        "Nothing much. Why do you ask?" sits up her soft ball in her hand.

        "We saw you speaking with Rydel, it looked serious. So what were you and her talking about?" Wheeljack asked.

        "She was concern about Lily's well being and wanted to know what had happen while she was gone. That's what we were talking about." Max said sighing. "I told what's been going on and that was it."

        They all nodded there head.

        Megatron walked into Lily's dance studio. He looked around as he hears a large crash in a room as he runs into the room his jaw drops at what he see's; a large library. He heard muttering and sees Lily muttering trying to unpack a lot of boxes; he walks over. "What happened here?"

        Lily jumped which made him chuckle. "Well I may or may not have order more books." she said shyly which made him smile. "I wanted to get them out of the way and but them away, but I realize now that there might be to many to unbox."

        "Well then I'm glad I came down here then," rolls up his sleeves showing off his muscles which made Lily blush a bit. "Lets get started then." Lily nods as they both start unpacking the books in the boxes and put them away.

        A few hours have passed and Lily and Megagtron were on the couch; Lily was reading Beautiful Creatures a Novel by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. Lily read out loud so that he could hear which made him curious about the book wanting to hear more. They stayed that way; Lily reading to Megatron who was enjoying it. Lily paused to let out a small yawn as she continues to read; Megatron heard and smiled.

        "Maybe you should try reading it to me." she offered him who looked wide eye.

        "Um, I don't know..." he looked nervous. "I was never into reading." he looked embarrassed.

        "Then I'll teach you," gestures for him to sit by her. He did, "Okay lets start at the beginning shall we?" he nodded his head.

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