Hospital/Coma +Breakdowns/Comforts

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Lily sits quietly biting her lip as her foot tapped against the wood floor like beating drums. Everyone sat in silence waiting to hear from Rydel. The phone started to ring; Max picked it up seeing that it is Rydel and answers it. "Hey, how is she?"

        Lily's head snapped up as she hears Max talking to Rydel. "Okay, when are you coming home? Oh, okay, I'll try I can't promise you anything. Okay, bye." Max hung up with a sigh.

        "What did Rydel say?" Optimus asked Max who sigh.

        "Well she's okay, she had too much water in her lungs which made her go into shock...but it but her in a coma; how they do not know. They plan on keeping her for awhile." Max said which made Lily leave.

        Lily gone to her side of the mansion slamming the door hard making a few of them flinch at the sound; which made Max sigh and shake her head. Megatron watched her leaving form and watched the door slam shut, his red scarlet eyes staring at the door.

        Lily gone to another room knocking over a table with stuff on it scattering stuff that was on it. She tossed everything around ripping things off the walls, shattering glass vases, glass, papers, books, furniture was all tossed around. Glass was all over the place from shattered mirrors, vases; Lily punched the wall hard causing her knuckles hurt and turned red. Her face red from crying, blood drips from the cuts that the shards of glass cut her. She punches the wall again this time a lot harder, she puts her forehead on the wall as tears slid off of her cheeks landing on the covered floor as she slides down the wall sitting on the destroyed room floor. She pulls her knees to her chest and cry's into them, many thoughts running through her head.

        'Its my fault if I only got to her sooner...I should've stopped Riley from pushing Hailey off! Its all my fault! If I just gotten to her sooner...' she cried harder pulling herself into a tight ball shaking with each cry.

        Megatron couldn't just sit while Lily could be doing something destructive or sudical. Megatron debated if he should go after her or just sit and wait; Optimus noticed and sat down by Megatron. Everyone else either left the room or is doing something else.

        "You should go see if she's okay, hearing what Max just told something that no one would want to hear or go through." Optimus told Megatron who looked at him with wide eyes.

        "And why would I do that? She's just a mere human! I don't care about her or her feelings or what she's going through!" He said in a low but hush whisper, glaring at Optimus bitterly. But his eyes say other wise.

        Optimus smirked inwardly, but frown. "You are pigheaded and stubborn! I would've worried over you if something would've happen! Even if we had a truce or not. This is her sister Megatron...just so that you know if you didn't care for her then why did you act protective and fearful for her?"

        Optimus got up and left a shocked warlord thinking over what Optimus just said. 'Maybe he is right...maybe I should go check on her to make sure she's alright. I hate to admit it but Optimus is once again always...' sighs as he gets up and walks over to the door that leads to Lily's part of the mansion. 'I do hope she's okay...'

        Megatron opened the door to Lily's part of the mansion and gone in closing it behind him as he walks down the steps. Not noticing he was being followed by his SIC. Once Megatron got to the main room of Lily's part of thy mansion (which is her dance studio) he hear the sound of muffled crying and walked toward the sound. He enter the destroyed room eyes widen at what he saw, the room looked like a hurricane swept through. He heard the muffled sound of crying come from the corner of the room and looked over to see Lily in the corner her head covered with her arms. He frowned and walked over to her being careful so that he didn't trip or step on any glass or turned over furniture.

        He sat down by her as she kept crying. He started to rub her back which made her freeze and stiffen as he kept rubbing her back. They sat in silence as he rubbed her back, Lily moved her head so she could glance at him then covered her head again. "What do you want?" her voice hoarse from crying.

        He looked at her then back to the destroyed room. " A certain someone wanted me to check on you to make sure that you were okay, but it seems that you are not okay and it seems that you need some comfort." he told her which made her go quiet. He pulled his arm away and stayed sitting by her as silence encased them both but Megatron broke it. "Would you like to talk about it? It is unhealthy by human standards to bottle up emotions which can cause," gesturing to the room, "destruction and chaos."

        Lily moved so that her head was laying on her knees, her face red and puffing from crying so much. Guilt written on her face. "What is there to talk about? There is nothing I need to say or do to get off my chest!"

        Megatron frowned seeing the guilt and the lie she had spoken. "That is a lie. You blame yourself for what happen to your sister," he moved so that he could face her. "It wasn't your fault. It was never or will be your fault; your sister would not want you thing like that."

        She looked at him. "And how would you know that? All you want is destruction and chaos so why would you care on what I think or feel or what my sister would think?" she snapped sharply looking away which made Megatron's eyes to drop to the floor.

        He then grabbed Lily's chin gently and made her look at him. Tears were in her eyes as he smiled lightly at her. "Yes, I wanted destruction where everywhere I gone, but I do know what it feels to lose or to hurt someone close to you." he paused as he wipes a tear from her cheek. "I may not seem like the person to care about others...there are a few that I make an exception for. You are an exception Lily."

        Lily eyes widen and without thinking hugged him which made Megatrons eyes widen and surprised, but he gave in and hugged back. Rubbing her back as she cry's into his chest, which was all witness to Starscream who watch with a smirk.

        "And Lily," he paused as they pulled away putting a hand underneath her chin once more, "Never say or blame yourself for what has happen to Hailey. From what I hear she is a strong femme, she would want you to be strong for her while she's in this condition of hers." Lily nodded as Megatron pulled her back into a hug which they stayed like that for awhile.

        Starscream leaned against the wall quietly smirking. 'So Lord Megatron cares for the human femme...this will do nicely in my favor...' Starscream quietly headed up backstairs who was being watched by no other than Soundwave who glared at the leaving form of Starscream and smiled at the sight of Lily and Megatron.

        At the hospital Hailey was in thy ICU in a small coma. In which the doctors and ruled out that she must of hit her head underwater. Rydel was sitting by her side her face all puffing and red from crying so much as she slumped in the chair tiredly as Sky came in and convinced Rydel to go home and rest who didn't like the idea but didn't argue. Sky lead Rydel out of the room and out to the parking lot to her car.

        While Hailey laid in the bed unmoving like thy undead, as her chest moving up and down slowly. The monitors beeping away slowly to the beat of her heart....

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