Yeah... That Happened

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"Prince Kai, I hope you had sweet dreams." I bow and start to arrange the white silk bedsheets on his soft and bouncy bed. King size.

"Yes... Dream of... you..." He says it in his usual soft voice and I nod, like I usually do. Wait... let's backtrack. Yes dream of you? Is that what he said?

"And so... that was your sweet dream?" I ask while I purposely turn around so that he can't see my cheeks start getting red.

"Yes..." He coughs and looks down at the floor. "Your hands soft and Shadow's..." My arms hiccup and they stop working for a second. I was probably relieved. But why did I feel disappointed? I keep arranging them until they're perfect and I face him again. He's looking out of his window, and I could see that he's looking at me through the reflection of the glass. Uhkay... I know that our relationship is pretty close, but this? Is too close. Too close that it's dangerous for him and me.

"I hope you have a great day, Your Highness. I understand that the weather is nice and cool, so I was thinking that you wanted to go outside?" I glance sideways at him. No response. "Then, once again, have a great day, Your Highness." I bow and leave the room. Heart throb much? I mean, I guess it's easier to talk to him now than the beginning of when I was assigned to him, but still. Chills run up and down my arms. I start walking, headed to nowhere, but then I decide to take a walk outside, since I have nothing to do. Prince Kai isn't the only one who likes the tranquil gardens. I walk all the way out of the palace and then settle on the grass of a garden. My head starts wandering somewhere and the next thing I know is that I'm imagining Prince Kai holding my hand and us walking down a pathway. Together. Which, I seriously don't know where that came from. I shake the thought out of my stupid head and sigh. Well, since I'm not going to walk (I didn't feel like it), I settle down in the fluffy grass and start to sleep. For a minute. And then an hour. And then... a lot of hours. I manage to wake up somehow, I don't know how. My eyes blurr as I slowly open them, but I can tell that it's late afternoon. The sun is setting and I try to get up, until I notice a hand clutching mine. And my hand is touching a person's chest. And that hand that's clutching mine is...

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