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  • Dedicated to BEEYANI<3

So umm, I as you know, I'm out of town, but you guys have been wanting and update so badly and we are nearly at 1,000 reads :o ! So I decided I NEEDED to post another chapter, it won't be too long, or too exciting, but it is just to hold you guys over till I get back! So thank you guys! <333


Straub - 

Where the fuck did he go?!

Vas was supposed to come back . . . 

. . . about two hours ago . . . 

Did he ditch me to be with them? Vas wouldn't do that. Or would he? I wasn't sure where Vas' head was really at. Yesterday, he seemed to be on my side, he hated the fact that Bayani was happy, I am not sure why, I mean really, what has Bayani done to him? 

I honestly think he shoud be against me. I was the one who pranked him on the Cube, he hated me for that. In the overgrown prank, his level of anger towards me was so strong. But he still chooses me over Bayani.

Maybe he doesn't remember the overgrown prank I pulled on him. Maybe because a few weeks after I pulled that prank on Vas, Bayani did the same thing to Graser! Bayani stole my prank! Everything he does pisses me off!!!

But I am not trying to get ride of Vas or turn him on their side, I actually need his help! So I am glad he is brainwashed on my side.

But Vas hasn't answered.

I am begaining to have a strong distaste for him too if he betrays me or doesn't follow through with my plan, because he already knows everything coming for Bayani. I don't want to hurt Bee, but if she refuses to leave him for me, that means she is oblivious to the truth, and sometimes the harsh truth is better than a beautiful lie. They had it coming there way.

All I was waiting on to begain is Vas.

Bayani -

I wasn't sure where Vas had went. I am not too sure about Bee either. I wasn't sure where their heads were at, what their thoughts lately had been. But I wasn't sure I really wanted to know.

I had no clue what to do next! I had confessed my love for a girl, and had to rivals against me who are probably working together.

What am I supposed to do now?!

So, I decided to call TYBZI.

TYBZI is a good person, and he has had such an impact on so many peoples lives because he is able to listen, and not many people are ever willing to listen. I know I have fans, but there is nothing like talking to a friend, who will be there for you and just sit with you.

He finally answered.

"Hey TYBZI.." I said, my voice slightly faded off.

"Hey brother! Whats up?" He seemed to be very enthusiastic considering it was so late at night and he it was two hours later for him. 

Immediatly before I spoke he sensed I needed someone. And he knew he would be the guy.

"What happened?" He asked again, but with a serious tone, sensing my uneasiness.

"I don't even know anymore!" I exclaimed bewildered and confused because brink of losing it! I just wanted Straub out of my life for good and Bee in it! I wanted to be happy. Is that too much to ask for?! So I decided to spill everything that has happened. How I was desperately in love with a girl and how Straub is against me and who knows what to do about Vas. I explained all of last night and everything before it leading up to right now. He heard it all, he heard everything that nobody else knows. 


I had no clue what to tell him. But I had to give him hope, and prove to him that I would support him. Because I know just having someone with you makes you keep going when you don't want to, and he was about to cry, on the rim of doing something he would regret.

It was silent, so I spoke before he felt hopeless and thought all was lost.

"Life is too short to miss out on being happy, and one time Parker told me never apolgise for love. Don't you ever let Straub take Bee away from you. If you really love her and she loves you, you two will find a way to be together and be happy without Straub."

It was silent again.

"I once time I heard this quote, I always thought of me and Marisa, I know how it feels to be in love with someone far away from you. But I think you need to hear it. It is, "'Together forever, never apart, maybe in distance, but never at heart'."

And I heard nothing from him after. He said thank you and I told him he can talk to me anytime he needs me. I will always be here for him. I will be here for everyone. Because I know what it feels like to be alone.

And he was gone.

Vas -

I couldn't talk to anyone till I had a plan. I needed to have all my bases covered if any other Cube members heard the news or if anything goes wrong, I needed to figure out what I was going to tell Straub and what information to keep to my self and how I was going to go about all of this. So I turned of skype and teamspeak and didn't tweet anything on twitter. 

I was gone.


So thank you so much guys! I love you all!  <3 And I will upload moar next week when I get home. I wasn't even going to post this chapter because I was on spring break but I wrote it real quick just today, so I have not proof read it or planned it in anyway! So I am sorry for spelling/grammer errors or strange story parts and yeah! Thanks again! <33 c:

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