The unrequited love

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  As I woke up from peaceful slumber of sound sleep, full of dreams of my desires and a beautiful future with my loved ones. My luscious, rosy petal like lips curved into a beautiful smile reaching my doe shaped eyes and conjuring a radiant glow alien to me. I knew today is the day of unsealing my sealed lips and expressing my undying love to him. Thought of him brought an instant, cresent shaped smile on my heart shaped face. Blush crept on my face making me tomato red.

I adorned myself in most presentable outfit I can come up with. Suddenly I was pushed back from my la la land of fantasies and temptations by beeping of my cellphone notifying me of a text message. As I saw his name flashing as notification on screen, my skin jittered. Content of text "lets meet up, something urgent to talk" made me happy yet an feeling of dread also surfaced in bottom of my heart.

I knew being oblivious to the fact that today either my love would be reciprocated or I would be left with everlasting turmoil of unrequited love would be an understatement. Coming out of my revire, I paved my way to meet him. We greeted each other, sharing pleasentaries of small talks. I tried to hold his gaze for a fraction of second but his gaze wandered everywhere not holding mine even for a second. His eyes were coal black laking the warmth in them that used to tame a hurricane in me. We hugged eachother, only the feeling I found emanating from it was betrayal.

Ignoring the visible signs of heart break nagging the back of my mind, I waited for him to speak those magical words I yearned to hear. On contrary I witnessed a tight lipped smile and heard those gut wrenching, soul shattering words "I love you, but I am not in love with you".

I felt like land slipping from my feet, making my eyes transfixed at the face i adored. It felt like a beacon of light have been sucked out of my body and it is dipped in never ending darkness. He left me there to detoriate.

I wanted to scream yet no sound slipped from my mouth rendering me tounge tied. It felt like a deep hole is punched in my chest with its raw edges, forcing me to succumb to its weight. I was left with no ability to love again. Bearing a heart shattered as glass, the one beyond repair, I could only stare at my world falling apart without even blinking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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