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As Zach and I sat at a random empty pier at the beach he pulled my hand against his. The wind blew  against our faces and it seemed as if no one was here. This gave us the freedom to do whatever we wanted to. "Sorry about what happened with Jack, we were just having a weird moment". I broke the silence running my fingers through my hair and grabbing his hand tighter.

Zach nodded and pierced his lips into a straight line. I waited for him to say something but he didn't, he just held me closer to him. "I get it Cindy". He finally reassured as he squeezed my arm a bit pulling me closer into his chest. I sighed before looking out at the moon along with Zach. Zach made me incredibly happy and I wanted to spend as much with him as I could because the last thing I wanted to do was evolve feelings for Jack as well.

As we continued to talk and sit at the edge of the pier something was flashing around us. I quickly pushed myself away from Zach looking around to make sure no one was watching us but I couldn't see anything. "Chill Cindy, it's nothing". Zach said pulling me closer to him again. I flinched as another flash appeared and scooched away from him pulling my hoodie over my head. "Zach, that could be the paparazzi". I informed him as he laughed at me. My heart raced as more flashes surrounded us but no one was in the distance. "It's most definitely lightning". Zach laughed moving closer to me. "No, Zach we can't get caught". I said almost sounding like a sob. "Relax's nothing". Zach said pulling my face closer to his and kissing me.

"We should get out of here". I mumbled pulling away from the kiss.

Zach agreed as we drove to the guest home since no one was supposed to be there. He wanted to see how the decorations turned out so he planned on staying the night since it was extremely late. "It looks nice, just like my girl". Zach smirked at me before pulling me into his grasp. "Your such a cheesecake". I laughed. Zach furrowed his brows before planting a kiss to my lips and quickly pulling away. "Wait. A cheesecake?". Zach asked in inquiry before I replied. "Yes, your so cheesy!" I exclaimed before kissing him again. As Zach and I kissed and fooled around the door swung open while Jack and the boys walked in on us.

"Woah!" Jonah hollered swiftly turning his back along with the other boys other than Jack, who stood in shock. "Why are you guys up so late?" I asked dumbfounded as Zach and I's face turned crimson. "We were just about to crash here?" said Corbyn in questioner as they took a seat at the kitchen island. Jack stood silent while the rest of the boys got something to eat. Zach excused himself from me and made conversation with Daniel as if nothing ever happened between us.

"Cindy, can I speak to you..alone". Jack asked in discreet while I profoundly followed him to our bedroom. Zach's eyes followed us as I closed the door and looked at Jack innocently. "What the fuck are you doing, are you stupid?" Jack questioned furiously. I crossed my arms and looked around the master bedroom we were standing in. "It's not what it looks like". I lied. Jack huffed at me in anger before slamming his hand against the wall and humbly leaning against it. "I know what I saw". He started as my heart raced in scarce. "Keep being dumb Cindy, someone is going to find out exactly who you are". Jack growled at me as my eyes teared up and he walked out the bedroom slamming the door.

I slammed my body against the bedroom door and slid down it in sadness before putting my face in my hands. My phone rang as I wiped my tears. "I NEED TO SEE YOU IN MY OFFICE TOMMOROW MORNING, I think you made a mistake". Jill said angrily before hanging up.

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