Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Voight POV*

Me and the guys heard gun shots outside of the office. Just then Katie and Erin walked in.

Me: are you two okay?
Erin: someone shot at us..
Katie: can we talk in your office?

We walked in my office and Katie shut my door.

Katie: we might have a lead on who took Gabby.
Erin: the guys who shot at us. Might be from Royce's gang.
Katie: but the thing is their after all of us. They wont settle till we're dead.
Me: alright well look through files of anyone else in Royce's gang that may be connected to Gabby's disappearance and the shooting at you two.

They nodded and walked out. Our unit is in more trouble than ever. We all need to protect each other.

Katie POV*

Me and Antonio looked through the files and found a few that might help.

Antonio: how come when you show up shit starts going down the drain?
Me: what do you mean?
Antonio: you almost got yourself killed, my sister is missing now and also our entire unit is a target by a gang.
Me: its not my fault.
Antonio: just help me find my sister and it wont be.

He stormed out of the filing room. I had a feeling he was right. Its my fault. I came and everything got fucked up. Thats why i had run away when my mom died. My dad accused me of making her die and ruining everything. I wanted to cry but i knew i had to suck it up.

I walked back out to everyone where they were gathered for a meeting.

Voight: what you got Katie?

I handed him some files not speaking. I sat at my desk and just listened.

Voight: alright. I got Jin working on the security cameras near where Gabby has ran. Has anyone spoken to Casey?
Antonio: i went to his house last night. I think hes working tonight.
Erin: You want someone to go down there?
Voight: yeah. Halstead & Jacobs you two.
Halstead: so what do we ask him?
Voight: ask him if he knows where she normally runs. Get to work. Lets get Dawson home.

We all nodded. I grabbed my jacket and walked out with Jay.

Me: im driving.
Jay: okay?

While we were driving i was making sharp turns and driving like a maniac.

Jay: alright so why dont you tell me whats wrong before you kill us?
Me: nothing.

We pulled up to firehouse 51. We got out of the car. We walked in and Jay saw Kelly Severide.

Kelly: hey Jay
Jay: hey wheres Casey?
Kelly pointed inside. We walked in and saw all the firemen. They all looked at us with hopeful faces.

Me: Matthew Casey?
Casey: yes?
Me; Detectives Jay Halstead and Katie Jacobs. Can we speak to you privately?

Casey lead us to a room so we could talk.

Erin POV*
I walked into Voights office to talk to him. I shut the door so no one can hear.

Voight: yeah?
Me: whats wrong with Katie?
Voight: what do you mean?
Me: Jay texted me saying shes pissed off and driving like a maniac. Somethings bothering her.
Voight: alright well find out.
Me: okay.

I walked out thinking he wouldve had a better answer than for me to find out. She wont tell me. If she wont tell her "boyfriend" then she wont tell me. Someone who has been her sister for years. Im afraid she might be having a relapse. When her father left her. She used to take pills to help her stay awake so she wouldnt get hurt on the streets. Voight had put her in rehab but ive always had a feeling she would have a relapse and i hope its not now..

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