Chapter 24

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*three days later*

Voight POV*

I was in my office when i got a phone call.

Sumner: You guys arent suspects anymore for the murder case.
Me: alright thanks

I went to hang up when she yelled stop.

Me: what?
Sumner: where was Lindsay?
Me: she got hurt and is off for a few months.
Sumner: can i come back?
Me: no.
Sumner: why?
Me: you work for internal affairs, you stay at internal affairs.

I hung up. I went outside to everyone as Antonio and Halstead just came back from a murder scene.

Halstead: from the look on the security cameras and the witness, the men looked some type of spanish.
Antonio: colombians we believe.
Halstead: so now what we gotta try to figure out is if their gonna hit again.
Me: alright, well keep an eye out on what might happen.

I looked at Katie to tell her something.

Me: lets go for a ride

Katie nodded and we left. I drove to this house that looked abandoned.

Katie: why are we here?
Me: i needa settle something
Katie: after this can we bring Erin lunch? I didnt leave anything for her and i dont want her to not eat.
Me: alright.

I got out and went inside.

Brando: aye Voight?
Me: aye brotha
Brando: wassup man?
Me: you still got a connection with the colombians?
Brando: not really
Me: let me know if you hear something. We got a case that might involve them and i need a lot of help.
Brando: got it. Its gonna cost ya

I pulled out $500.

Me: thats all i got for now. Ill give you the rest when you help me.

He nodded and i walked out. We got Erin her lunch and we went inside. Katie unlocked the door and we walked in.

Katie: Erin! I got you lunch.

Just then Erin came out with Severide following her. Katie started giggling as i gave Kelly a glare.

Kelly: uh-hey Voight. Hey Katie.
Katie: hia
Me: hi.
Erin: thanks for lunch guys.
Katie: how was your therapy?
Erin: fine. I asked if i could go back and they said once i finish a month of this i can!
Me: thats great kid.
Katie: well we're gonna be going now. See you guys later
Erin: did Justin ever come home?
Me: he did but he didnt wanna come to dinner. Somethings up with him

I got paged by Antonio as we were talking.

Me: go for Voight
Antonio; we got another hit. Im sending the address now.
Me: alright be right there

I placed the pager back in my pocket.

Me: lets go
Katie: ill see you later Erin. Bye Kelly
Kelly: bye Katie. See ya Hank.

I glared and we walked out. As we drove to the address Katie decided to finally speak.

Katie: you dont like Severide do you?
Me: im not a big fan
Katie: look Hank, he cares about her. A LOT. Trust me.

We pulled up and walked inside. We put white gloves on and saw a bunch of guys on the floor covered in blood.

Me: what do we got?
Antonio: Waitress said that three guys that looked spanish came in beat these guys, killed them and then beat her if she spoke.

Katie walked over to her to talk to her.

Me: so we know definitely its the colombians?
Ruzek: i just checked out security cameras. You guys might wanna see this.

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