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Now me and Joey are driving to my old collage. It's only been a couple weeks seance I was here but it feels like forever. I look around , its march and it looks so different than California then in Michigan. There is still snow on the ground and you have to where a sweat shirt and jeans to stay warm. Then I just feel so out of place here. The only place I felt loved here was with my team. Is that sad? Maybe? Yeah. Well that shows how antisocial I am. Then we drived on to campus, and all theses memory's came back to me. All the times I drove my car on theses streets and all the times me and my old team mates would run up and down the streets yelling the song we are the champions after we won a campion chip and know matter how late is was every one who was in the dorms would walk out side and sing with us. Then we pull up to the gym and then all I see is tons of posters and sings that say "welcome back sissy we missed you", or "don't tick of are kitty Kat she has claws! and they will be used if needed.", and " She is NO scaredy Kat!" " GO CAPTION KITTY KAT!" And the poster that caught my eye was " We may be the wolverines but you need to fear the Kat!" I saw all the posters they made and most of them where poster they would actually holed up when I was up. As I was looking at all the posters I remembered how much I missed them and all the fun we had. Then I felt a tear run down my face. And so did Joey.

Joey: " babe its ok." He looked into my eyes then held my hand and smiled."

Me: " I know I just miss them so much." Another year fell down my face.

Joey: " hey don't cry I will be with you all the way."

Me: " ok let's go in" I wiped my tears away. " wait are you ready Joey?"

Joey: " what do you mean?"

Me: " umm bri is not the one who is a big fan on the team."

Joey: " oh ya I will be you so I will be ok."

I blushed and unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car and Joey did the same. I walked up to the gym doors and then stopped to take a deep breath. Then Joey squeezed my hand and smiled. So we walked in to the office. Right when I stepped in felt at home. The faint smell of chalk in the air calmed me down and it made Joey start to cough. That at least made me smile before I walked in.

Me: " Joey are you really coughing over a little chalk!?"

Joey: " ummm yeah, the chalk is really think in the air." Him saying that made me laugh. Then he said "what!?"

Me:" we'll if this is think to you don't walk in to the gym cuz this is a really faint smell."

Joey looked at me like I was crazy.but he still walked in with me. And right as walked in they where practicing and right when Bri saw me and screamed "KITTY KAT!!!!!" And ran over and trampled me. SO DID EVERYONE ELSE. It was kinda funny cuz of my new hair cut know was new who I was. And the only reason bri new was cuz she saw me the day I cut it. But once she ran to me so did the hole team did.first I was holding hands with Joey And the next thing I know I was on the floor with every one on me. Then I hurd ok girls don't kill her! They all got off of me and I could breath and see again. Joey helped me up. Then my old coach came over and hugged me and whisperer in my ear " who's the hot guy with you?" I blushed and whisperer my boyfriend. She smiled at me. Then a freshman named Emily came up to me and hugged me and said "I miss you sissy." She was my gym sister and we where really close like as close as me and bri are. Then we both started to cry and we walked over to the balance beam. We cried for a little bit longer then we calmed down and started talking about how I've been and how has it been not being able to really run or anything at all. She was not shocked by my answer that it was hard. As we where talking I could not stop staring at the beam. It's like it was testing me and telling me that it won and that I had failed. ( and I don't fail. EVER!)


Me:" sorry it's just ya know, THE BEAM I RUINED MY HOLE LIFE ON!"

She looked at me like I was crazy, and so did every one else because I was screaming. But the only person who came over to check on me was joey. And well her kinda ran over in a panic.

Joey: " OMG is everything ok!

Me:" yeah sorry just some anger I still have I need to get out."

Joey: " at who? You said this is like your family?"

Me: " not at some one, something " when I said that I put my hand on the beam, I got chills just touching it.

Joeys face dropped when he realized what I meant.

Joey: " oh I see, ummm-

Joey was interrupted by coach yelling " hey just because kat is back for a while dose not mean practice is over, I did say I would let you all out a hour early so you guys could go out and do something fun, but that means right not you have to work your butts off!" After that every one ran but to work but I just still sat there and felt the beam. Then coach yelled " hey kat go get a Leo on and start getting your body back in to the motions!" I smiled and ran to go put on a Leo. I grabbed my favorite one from my suite case from the car it's purple with blue zebra print and I grabbed my black booty shorts. I ran in side to get changed and joey just sat there and waited for me. Un like my old boyfriend he used to stair at the other girls butts and not ever care if I was in the room when he did it. When I was done changing I got back in the gym and joey came with me .

Joey:" ok so now let's see what you can do!"

Me:" haha funny. I haven't stretched in awhile or have condition so let's stretch."

Joey laughed and we walked over to floor and sat and stretched. Well joey tried to but he really wasn't that flexible so he did his own stretches. After about 30min of stretching we stayed on floor and I tumbled. First I did a front handspring front layout, just to warm up, then I did round off back full. Joeys eyes got so big when I did that. Then my knee started to hurt so to give it a break we went to bars. So I got my grips and started to do a couple kips then I tryed my route. Every time I did a giant I Hurd Joey gasp so I added a couple extra giants to to here him freak. Then I was going to do vault but my knee still hurt so I stopped. By know its 3:00 and all the girls wanted to go out party and have fun and just talk. So coach let us out early like she said and me and joey when to go to are hotel and the girls said they would text me later.


Joey and I checked in and un packed. We where going to be here for awhile a hole 2 weeks.

Joey: "hey do you want the shower first?"

Me: " I don't care"

Joey: " ok well I am going to take a shower then you can."

Me:" ok "

So joey got in the shower then I got a text from Emily and it said clubbing or dinner? Oh I wanted to go clubbing so bad but I didn't want joey to see me drunk so I texted back dinner. Then moments later I got I another text saying fancy or causal? I packed a nice dress but I didn't care so I texted I don't care. Then I got a text ok fancy. So by now joey just got out of the shower and only has a towel a round his wast.

Joey: "hey so what are we doing to night?"

Me: "going to a fancy dinner"

Joey: ok good thing I packed my blazer.

A/N hey sorry for the crappy ending but the next ch you are going to here more about KATS old boyfriend and how he treated her and what his name is lol and more about KATS gymnastics life with her team. And how will joey like that!?!?!? OMG WE HAVE 156 READS OMG I LIKE JUSTED DIED THIS IS AMAZING.

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