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Joey: ok good thing I packed my blazer.

Me: " I packed a little short black dress."

Joey did a cute smirk.

Joey: oh you did.

Me: yep. I said with a smirk and popping the P.

Than Joey walked over to kiss me then my phone when off. It was a text from Emily saying we are going a fancy place on campus and we are going to meet there at 5.

Joey : oh that's in an hour we better get ready .

Me: ya... I bet I can get ready be for you. I said that with a smile on my face.

Joey: your on!

We both ran to the bath room and brushed are teeth and then we where elbowing each other then Joey started his hair and I did my make up then I ran to go get dressed while he was still doing his hair then I was trying to zip up my dress when I saw Joey hopping to put his to put his pants on then he put on his shirt while I am still trying to get this stupid zipper. Then I finally got my zipper on my dress up I ran to plug in my straightener then I ran to get my heels on and there was Joey rushing to put on his socks and putting on his shoes and I got my black height heels on and ran and straightened my hair and then we both ran to are suite cases and I put on perfume and Joey put on cologne then I ran I fast I could with a knee brace on and like 5in heels and put a hot pink bow in my hair. And when I got back Joey was done.

Joey: I beat you! He said with his fabulous white smile.

Me: haha yeppers you did .

Joey:hey it's its 4:30 should we get going?

Me: oh ya I will should you where to go.

Joey: ok

So we went o the car and we drove to the restaurant with 5 min to spare and we where the first ones there so when we told the waitress how many people where coming her eyes got real big. Then at 5 every one came in and sat with us and we all looked supper cute. Then we needed extra sets because the guys team came with. I was excited to see every one but one person. And that was ... Danny. My old boyfriend. I never told any one how he treated me except Emily. And the only reason she knows is one time she walk in to my broom and when he was smacking me. So I hugged all the guys cuz I loved them like brothers but then Danny walked in I sat down by Joey then he tried to sit next to me but Emily saw and really quickly ran and sat by me. Joey said hi to every one then Danny just had to talk.

Danny: hey so how are you?

Joey: ummm I am Joey Kats boyfriend.

Danny: oh wow you little tramp all ready got a new boyfriend.

I sat there quiet.

Joey: hey don't talk to her like that.

Danny: I can if I-

He was interrupted by Jake ( another guy on the team)

Jake: hey Dan nock it off now!

Then Dan stayed quiet for the rest of the night.

Then we all ordered are food me and Joey got chicken salads. When we where all done eating all the girls wanted to go clubbing but I did want to cuz me drunk doesn't end well. Then all the girls where complaining then Joey said something I wanted to kill him for.

Joey: oh ya we'll go clubbing

A/N: we'll now ya no who Danny is and ya I won't be updating for a while cuz I am going on vacation so I will update when I can.

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