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Joey: ya we'll go clubbing.

Emily: see Kat even Joey will come.

I just sat there at looked at Joey. All he did was give me the " what did I do look"

Me: Ugh fine I we will go.

Every one smiled and said yes and Joey put his arm over me and hugged me.

Bri: ok so let's go then.

Every one jumped up to go but I slowly got up 25% because my knee hurt and 75% because I just did not want to go. But I looked cute enough so I guess I will be ok. I will only have one drink. Joey and I walk to the car and we drove to the club well Joey drove and I told him where to go.

Joey: Kat why did you not want to go?

Me: I don't know I just kinda don't.

Joey: well we don't have to.

Me: yes we do. I am not going to stop your fun night.

Joey: no this is -

I cut him off

Me: we are going ok. I said it kinda snippy.

Joey got quite. Joey I am sorry I-I just . Then he cut me off. I know you only want to make me happy but its ok if you don't want to go. Really.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. But by now we just pulled in.

Joey: if you don't want to go I won't.

I smiled at him but we still went in. Once we got in we didn't even look for the team we just started dancing and having fun until a tray of drinks came by and Joey grabbed him self and me one and I drank it. Then another than another than another than another than well ya a lot and we where both drunk and ya well we where yelling and screaming then in the mist of are wild dancing we had gotten separated and someone grabbed my hand and pulled me close to them. Then he kissed me and at that moment I new that person was not Joey. I pushed away and he pulled me tighter then I started yelling for help. Then he whispered " oh you don't like pussy Kat." Then I new who it was. I screamed "Daniel get off me now!" Then he tried to put his hand on my boobs and was still whispering in my ear," aww pussy Kat you don't mean that do you?" Then Joey ran up punched Daniel in the face. Then Joey grabbed me. You could she the fire in his eyes. Then he looked at me and the fire went out then he had a look of worry and gilt. Babe are you ok? He asked. I'm ok now. I said still feeling very dizzy. Hey you need to go set down. Joey said that then he picked me up and brought me to a seat. Joey how is it that you aren't acting drunk like me? I asked. He just smiled and said I have no clue, hey do you want to go to the hotel? I smiled and said yes.


Joey had to carry me up to the room because I was so drunk I could barley walk straight. All I remember is Joey laying me down on the bed and me move up to the head of the bed I feel asleep.

A/N: so this is kinda a crappy ch but ya I am still grounded but I will write more.

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