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Oakland's Greatest: Introduction

~Arlie P.O.V.~

Why do we all lie to each other? I'll tell you why; because people can't handle the truth. Lies can toy with a persons mind to make them seem like their world is perfect but when someone, like me, comes by and tells you the shit you don't want to hear, the gat is pulled out.

People complain saying they don't deal with fake people, well what good are you if you aren't even real yourself?

I was lied to as a little kid and when I learned my Mother lied to me to try to protect me, I vowed to be the truest out here. I don't care if I had more enemies than friends because at the end of that day;

I know I just opened your eyes for you to see just how terrible the world really is.

You're Welcome.

"Boys come outside." I said as I sat on the front porch with my Mom.

"Whats up Dad?" Joel asked as he came out with Andre right behind him.

"Yeah what's goin' on Uncle Arlie?" Andre chimed in after.

"Grandma is gonna tell us about Dad's childhood." Nicole said with a small smile. She was sitting up on the porch banister across from me.

"Yes, I think you'll like to hear how he was." Mom said when the two boys took their seats on either side of me.

"The year was 1997 and I was just a few weeks away from my due date. Aunt Elizabeth was 4 and Uncle Aldo was 2 at the time. Grandpa Trell and I were 20 at the time..."

*The Story Begins*

~Missy P.O.V.~

I sat on the bench while I watched Elizabeth and Aldo play at the park with the other children. Jacqueline and Damar had left a few minutes ago with Eddy and Marco.

"Hey honey." Trell said as he walked up and kissed my cheek. Trell was my everything. We met in Kindergarten and have been friend since then. In high school we were dating and we were newly weds which is how I ended up pregnant with our 3rd child.

"Hi Trell." He took a seat on the bench and wrapped his arm around me securely. I felt the gun in his pocket touch my leg and couldn't help but smile. Trell was my thug and I couldn't have loved that quality any more than I should have.

"So we agreed I get to name this child right? I named Elizabeth, you named Aldo, so now It's my turn." He smiled as he gently rubbed my stomach. Our child was such a still baby. I always worried he or she was going to be a still birth because he or she just never moved.

"You don't need to remind me honey." I laughed a little. Trell was just as excited for the new baby as I was.

"Just makin' sure you don't try sneakily naming him."

"I wouldn't do that-"

"Yes you would. I know you too damn well Missy." He gave me a quick kiss that left me blushing. "I love how I still make you blush just like I did back in elementary school." I've always been so shy and nervous around Trell. I don't know what it is about him, but that's how he has me feeling.

"Daddy I'm tired." Elizabeth said as she walked up to us.

"Tired? 'Lil Bit why are you tired?" He picked her up and held her close to him. Elizabeth was all for Trell. They were so cute together, he called her "Lil Bit" as like a play on words of her real name. A few second later Aldo came walking over to us too. "Aldo are you tired too?" Trell asked. Aldo nodded his head and let out a yawn.

"We better get going home then. They need to eat then their baths and off to bed for them." I stood up carefully and picked up a sleepy Aldo.

"I needa take Chico out too." Chico was Trell's doberman. He loved that dog so much, he was a trap dog. Trell never went to the trap without Chico. He was very intimidating but was a love bug with the kids. Not to mention it wasn't uncommon for people on this side to have a dog. It was mainly a form of protection to have a dog chained in your yard but Chico was too loyal to be chained down.


Trell was out on his jog with Chico so it was just me and the kids for the time being.

I was in the kitchen reading a book waiting for the dryer to beep so I could fold the clothes, then head to bed.

I felt a little kick in my stomach.

"Are you finally awake and ready to move around now?" I smiled as I placed my hand where I felt the little kick. I felt another kick and went back to reading.

A started to feel a little pain along the bottom of my stomach, that was something new. I'd never felt this pain with Elizabeth or Aldo, so why am I feeling it now?

Trell came jogging in and Chico came right up to my side and put his head in my lap. One thing with Chico was, he would never let Trell touch my stomach. Chico was very protective of the baby which is why I loved this dog so much.

"You alright? You're sweating." Trell said as he approached me.

"I have a little bit of pain in my stomach. Can we please go to the hospital to make sure everything's okay?" I set my book down and stood up.

"Yeah, let me just get John or Rose to come stay with the kids." I nodded my head and used the counter to hold myself up while Trell went to make a phone call.

"Alright, come on. Rose said she'll be in a few minutes." I nodded my head and hand the help of Trell to lead me to the car. I could barely walk but I didn't want Trell to pick me up.

When I finally got in the car, that's when John showed up. We didn't have time to say our hello's and we were off to the hospital.

~Hours Later~

"Trell look at him." I said as the nurse handed our son to us. He may have just been born but I could already tell he was going to look exactly like Trell.

"Handsome ain't he." He smiled as he kept his eyes locked on our son. "I wanna name him after me. Trell Jr."


"What?" Andre asked already in nothing but complete confusion.

"Arlie's name isn't Arlie. He was named after his father but he didn't want to be called that." I said as I looked over at Arlie. I saw his expression and I knew he didn't want to touch this subject but it was part of the story.

"Mom can we please not discuss that. Just skip over it." Arlie said as he kept a hard stare at me.

"When we come to the part, I'm not going to skip it. It's and important thing that made you the way you were- well are." I took a quick sip of my water before I continued where I left off.


"If that's what you want." I said as I reached up weakly to kiss him.

"Welcome to the world Trell Jr." Trell said as he bent down to give him a kiss.

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